Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let's dance under the stars

Damn and blast as Geoffrey Palmer would say in the British television series, "As Time Goes By." 

David Bowie performed "Let's Dance" live when the song came out in the early 1980s.  I found an amazing concert performance on YouTube and was most excited to share the video here on Set List.  But damn and blast, the share button wouldn't let me publish it. 

David Bowie, as has been discovered, puts on a truly glamorous and rockin' show.  "Let's Dance" is a great song with seemingly sentimental lyrics masked by a rock groove.

But I wonder if the stars put on an even better show. . .

Congratulations to the top three finalists on Dancing with the Stars. 

I personally cheered for Ricki Lake.  Alas, she came in third.  Still in the top three.  An honored position.

I found surprise in how far Rob Kardashian came in the season.  Alas, he came in second.  Still in the top three.  An honored position.

Hoorah for the Mirror Ball Trophy winner, J.R. Martinez!

These three knew how to dance!

Play it David Bowie as all contestants in this season dance under the stars.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Don't stop. . .

I generally do not blog on weekends, but today is an extraordinary day and I am most giddy at the moment.

Happy weekend!

And always remember to play it!  :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Girl Panic

If I read one more rave review of Duran Duran's "Girl Panic" music video, I will seriously panic (and I already am on anti-anxiety/panic medication).

I cannot apologize for my following words.

Duran Duran is defined by their extraordinary musical talent and their "extraordinary taste in women."  They get a thrill over society-defined beautiful women, a.k.a supermodels.  Simon Le Bon is married to a model.  Nick Rhodes was married to a model and has since dated society-defined beautiful women.  John Taylor is married to the founder of Juicy Couture - the brand speaks for itself.  Roger Taylor is married to a society-defined beautiful woman.  And for the record all children born into these marriages will grow into society-defined beauty.

I do not consider myself society-defined beautiful.  I never have and never will, mostly do to lack of self-esteem and confidence.  I am, quite simply, regular.  Regular in its meaning is a concept the members of Duran Duran will never know and fully appreciate.

The band's depiction of "regular women" is sorely flawed in the video of "Girl Panic."  Therefore, I personally rate this video severely low.

I will always love Duran Duran's music and talent.

I suppose the elite in any form sometimes need to fall below the clouds and live in reality.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gotta love Roger Taylor

Simply comical and somehow only Roger Taylor could pull off a 13-second advertisement of Duran Duran at the Chicago Theater on October 21, 2011.

Gotta love Roger Taylor :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Is there something I should know

I suppose one could say this post is on a need-to-know basis.

I have been blogging fairly consistently since April 2010.  I manage three blogs and at times one receives more attention than another.  However, all are by now established.

So here's a question - how do bloggers earn significantly?  My chosen profession is writing and blogging is a huge portion of that profession.  I am doing everything I can to attract more traffic, more ad clicks, even hopeful donations. 

My mom lives paycheck to paycheck.  I have no means of income with zero prospects online and offline.

In essence, I am financially desperate.

I am currently listening to Duran Duran's "All You Need Is Now."  All I need now is an income. . .such an illusive concept.