Thursday, January 3, 2019

Driven to Tears

Where "Walking on the Moon" is at the top of my favorites by The Police, "Driven to Tears" is in a tie.

The lyrics tell a profound message through music, which I find to be a global common bond.

The instrumental is distinct to The Police.  The lyrics though...I just can't get past them.

"Driven to Tears" is a reflection of the division between the rich and the poor where the wealthy can afford anything they desire but does nothing to help "starving children."  (Wikipedia)  "Driven to Tears" was released in October 1980 and I personally believe the message holds true to the present.

"What Happens Tomorrow" is uplifting yet noting the state of our current society. 

A second band to take notice.

My take away -

I love "Driven to Tears" in its musical sense and I appreciate the message behind the lyrics.

("Driven to Tears" source - Wikipedia)

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