Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Save a Prayer - Studio Live

Last Tuesday, I posted "Save a Prayer" as performed live from London.  On this Tuesday, I thought I would share "Save a Prayer" as performed live from Duran Duran's studio.

The studio version of "Save a Prayer" is intriguing because the element of audience electric excitement is eliminated, allowing for deep focus on the instrumental and the lyrics.  In a sense, this performance feels like a dress rehearsal before a concert where the band can fine tune what the audience will expect.

My take away from this version of "Save a Prayer" -

A deep appreciation for the essence of the song - defining lyrics, individual instrumentals highlighted, clear vocals. 

In a concert performance, the audience is of course encouraged to join in - singing along, helping set the aesthetic mood, and so on.  Yet in a concert performance, the songs are played for the audience and not for just the song.

The version of "Save a Prayer" below is, in my opinion, meant just for the song - much the way it would be on an album.

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