Thursday, June 11, 2020

History Lesson - Pawn Stars Guitar

In this edition of History Lesson - Pawn Stars Guitar, I am sharing a custom made Karl Sandoval Flying V Guitar.

Tune in to the video below -

Who is Karl Sandoval?

Karl Sandoval is known as a luthier - building and repairing string instruments that have a neck and sound box.

Karl Sandoval's most prized work is custom making a polka-dot finish guitar for Randy Rhoads.  The guitar was in the form of a Gibson Flying V.

Karl Sandoval also worked with Eddie Van Halen and George Lynch during the 1980s.

Sandoval's career began with Fender in the 1970s.  He later worked in Charvel's Guitar Custom Shop.

As of 1979, Karl Sandoval owns his own business - building custom amplifiers as well as building and repairing guitars.

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