Saturday, September 5, 2020

Set List Recommended

 In this edition of Set List Recommended, my top pick is your Set List Reader's Choice.

As a refresher, 

1)  Your top favorite for the week was Versus Tuesday Farewell Edition.

2)  The Versus Tuesday Farewell Edition featured "Beautiful Morning" by Parov Stelar and "Beautiful Day" by U2.  

3)  In Set List Reader's Choice, I briefly touched on the background and success of "Beautiful Day."

4)  "Beautiful Morning" does not have a background and Parov Stelar's history is brief.  However, Parov Stelar's notable song, "The Sun," caught notice in my research...

...So as a throwback to my love for commercial jingles on Set List, "The Sun" was used in the Transitions Lenses advertisement some time ago.

In this post then, enjoy "The Sun" as first heard on television.

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