Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday Music Library - Duran Duran Debut

Friday Music Library features musicians with a long collection in my iTunes library.

In this edition of Friday Music Library, I am continuing the Duran Duran theme.  My first selection was the album and song of the same name - All You Need Is Now.  My second selection was the album and song of of the same name - Astronaut.

In this post, my next selection is Duran Duran's debut album (1981), Duran Duran and my personally favorite song, "Tel Aviv."

Noteworthy Mentions - 
No. 3 on UK Album Charts
Certified Platinum in New Zealand, the UK, and the U.S.
Certified 2x Platinum in Canada

The most successful songs on the album are "Girls on Film," "Planet Earth," and "Careless Memories."  All three are on side one.  Point of interest - "Night Boat" is the first song on side two and was met with intrigue by fans in the 2004 live performance.

Alas I digress.  "Tel Aviv" concludes the Duran Duran album with a haunting tone and edgy instrumentals.  I suppose an ideal way to kick off October.

With that said,

"Tel Aviv"

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