Thursday, April 14, 2022

Set List Journal Entry #11 - Duran Duran with Andy v.Duran Duran without Andy

Duran Duran and Andy Taylor are sensitive topics of conversation.  Fans of Andy make their feelings known on social media, especially on Facebook.  Fans of Duran Duran overall find frustration without the original lineup.  Many fans have grown with the band, from being screaming teenagers to mellow adults appreciating the lyrics and instrumentals.

There has long been the question of who is the most favorite - Simon Le Bon or John Taylor.  Roger Taylor and Nick Rhodes come with a fair amount of popularity.  And then there is Andy Taylor.  He never seemed to gain the same amount of attention.  

Duran Duran with Andy - His guitar notes were played on point and defined the electricity with every song recorded and with every live concert.  He delivered what the fans wanted to hear.  One of my favorite live songs is "Union of the Snake" when the flashing background blends into Andy's guitar strings, creating a powerful strobe sensation.  Andy Taylor made sense.  Although he was the third Taylor to be brought on board and that may turn audiences away, he just fit seamlessly.  And when Simon joined, the rest is history...

...until the band let Andy go when Red Carpet Massacre went into production.  Reasons are for the guys only but the vision of Duran Duran without him has changed drastically.  As of RCM, there are backup singers to songs that really should stand on their own.  The familiar tone does not quite make sense - the guitar is not as electric with powerfully struck chords.  Extra performers go live for concerts.

Duran Duran with Andy was about the music first and the effects second.  Duran Duran without Andy lights up the stage leading to the performance. 

And so this Set List journal entry is one I wanted to share.

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