Thursday, October 12, 2023

31 Days of October

October 12, 2023

On October 12, 1994, I was wheeled into an operating room that would seal the rest of my life.  

Scoliosis is curvature of the spine which, if needs immediate correction, requires either a brace or surgery.  Severe cases go directly to surgery.  My curvature was severe - 40+ degrees in the majority, 20+ degrees in the lower, and a hump on either shoulder.  

The whole of my summer break in 1994 was taken up with tests and other pre-op preparations.  

And then the day came.  At 8:00am as I watched the sunrise, two operating nurses wheeled me into the OR.  In the following six hours, two steel rods and screws were placed in my back to force down the curves.

I remember every detail during my six-day hospital stay, especially learning how to walk.  I remember my struggles with physical therapy at home.

After being home for six weeks and gaining strength, I was cleared to return to school.

Quite the experiences for an 11 year old (my surgeon's youngest patient at the time).

As I look back on a history chapter in my life, I feel that for the purpose of Set List what was the most historic pop culture chapter in 1994?

Friends - 1994 to 2004 ... Historical icon

"I'll Be There For You" by The Rembrandts  -

Prime time icon ... Rerun icon 

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