Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween

One word -


Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween Eve

On this eve of spooky Halloween, I have two Set List possibilities to set the mood - "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight" and "1999."  (I chose "1999" because of the haunting opening, but the song's official video does not include such.  I still feel compelled to share the video for Prince alone.)


Monday, October 29, 2018


"Superstition" is a fitting song for personal and holiday reasons.

Holiday reason - Halloween is near.

Personal reason - I adopted a jet black cat last year, just out of nursing.  She really is adorable, but her color would lend to the theory of Friday the 13th, Halloween, and anything superstition.  I went through all spooky milestones with her and as it turns out, she spooks easily!

Let's focus on the holiday reason. 

Today's Set List feature is "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Record Loop

When I launched Set List, I wrote about so many musicians and specific songs.  At some point, I found myself in record loops where there would be a song stuck in my head.  "Fort Knox" by Goldfish and "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars were massive record loop songs when they debuted in pop culture via commercial jingles.  I love "Fort Knox," but "Uptown Funk" especially is an iconic staple in 21st century music.  In fact..."The song became a worldwide phenomenon with its major impact on pop culture." (Wikipedia)

In this post, "Uptown Funk" is not streaming in my mind.  In the whole of this week, "Once in a Lifetime"  by Talking Heads has been stuck in my mind - a record loop.  Every time I hear this song, I tend to stop whatever I am doing to absorb the beat on its own.  The lyrics are, of course, rather intriguing.

The official video is rather...let's just say interesting.

With this said, enjoy the song below.

Quick question - If you have a record loop song, what is it?  Share your thoughts in the Comments section at the end of this post.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Happy Birthday, Simon Le Bon

The leading front man has reached a profound life milestone - his 60th birthday.  He is a musician.  He is a British staple gone global.  He is a husband.  He is a father.  He is a grandfather.  He is now 60 years old.  Does he look the part?

How does Duran Duran maintain such youth?

At any rate, may Simon John Charles Le Bon have a special birthday filled with love, laughs, and content happiness...

...and music.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Honest Moment

When I returned to Set List in March of this year, I was excited and nervous - excited to be back in my virtual home and nervous to see how long my rapid pace would last.

My excitement is no longer hyper in nature, but now just happy to be back on Set List. 

My pace is no longer rapid and in recent months, I have needed to take a break.

My approach to Set List is simple.  Music always comes first, but I occasionally tend toward a personal tone.

I am struggling to write unique posts, especially on a daily basis.

I rely heavily on music videos to inspire posts and for some reason, this does not seem right for what I promised in May 2010. 
I have turned to fashion as related to music.  This is a sudden change from what I promised in May 2010.

Set List is not the same.

I am not walking away.  I will continue to post. 

I just need some time to calm down and focus.

This is my honest moment.

Set List Break

Dear readers and passersby,

I am taking a brief break from posting on Set List.

I will return on Saturday for a birthday special - Simon Le Bon's 60th.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday Archives

As I struggle to fill Two for Two Tuesday, my best suggestion is to explore the archives for previous Two for Two Tuesday posts or general posts!

Happy Tuesday to all.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Dream On

In this edition of Wake Up Monday, I once again turn to Steven Tyler's vocal pitch.

I have never considered Steven Tyler to have a bass pitch.  I have never considered Steven Tyler to be a counter tenor (highest pitch).  When he hits a high note, however, I consider Steven Tyler somewhat screaming rather than singing.

"Back In the Saddle" is an excellent example.

"Dream On" is another slight example.

Share your thoughts at the end of this post regarding Steven Tyler's vocal pitch.

Enjoy the video below.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, the leading post this week is Simply Girl Panic Couture.

"Girl Panic" as a video truly is unique and intriguing, captivating the interest of so many Duran Duran fans.  Established models in their element.  Refined musicians in their element.  Couture is a given.


Simply Couture.

And this is where I will leave off.

Follow the link above to see why Simply Girl Panic Couture is the most favorite post this week.

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, October 19, 2018


As I struggle to find words for this edition of Remember When Friday, I ask that you turn to the archives in the meantime...I suppose the ultimate in reflection.

Have a great Friday!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Simply Girl Panic Couture

The official "Girl Panic" video was the definition of couture as worn by iconic supermodels.  Couture, in general, was set in the background as well. 


Simply Couture.

When I write about a fashion designer, the name is established and of considerable wealth.  The designer is pure couture and luxury.

Vicarious posts.

Simply Couture.

Some time ago, I promoted Simply Couture as an affiliate business.  I never listed my partnerships.

Question - Could "Girl Panic" afford my partnerships?

Answer - Yes.

My Simply Couture partnerships -

JoS. A. Bank (Men's luxury)
Neiman Marcus
Trunk Club (Fashion luxury styling service)
Talbots (Women's luxury)
Ann Taylor
Bergdorf Goodman
Rebecca Minkoff
BCBG Max Azria
Le Tote (Fashion luxury rental service)

My partnerships reflect refined luxury to window shop or make a must have purchase.

Which would you do?

Simply Couture

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I Wish

Wednesday was once reserved as a reminder to explore the archives.  On this particular Wednesday, however, I am featuring "I Wish" by Stevie Wonder.

"I Wish" as a post is meant to wish for Friday.

"I Wish" as a song was inspired by Stevie Wonder's early childhood in the 1950s and 1960s.

"I Wish" overall, then, is inspiration in any way you prefer.

Enjoy the video below.

Happy Wednesday to all.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday Groove

A sigh of relief - Monday is over. 

Let's keep the work week momentum going with "Groove Is In the Heart" and "The Heat Is On."

Side note -

Set List is about anything related to music - from detailed written posts to video posts to everything in between.  Consider work week posts as everything in between.

As always,
Play it!


Monday, October 15, 2018

Backi in the Saddle

In this edition of Wake Up Monday, Steven Tyler's high-pitched vocals in "Back in the Saddle" are certainly waking up the day and getting the week off to a profound start.

Happy Monday to all.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, Couture Music stood out the most in viewer interest.  Therefore, I will let the link speak for itself.

Happy Sunday to all.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Remember When Friday

In this edition of Remember When Friday, I am traveling back in time to the year 1994 - the most significant year in my personal life and the most significant year in what would become iconic pop culture history.

On October 12, 1994, I was wheeled into an operating room at 8:00 a.m. for scoliosis surgery.  I screamed bloody murder for my mom to get me, but she was forced to not look back as she broke down in the waiting room.  Everything happened in a choreographed way - within less than a minute of being in the OR, a flood of techs came rushing in to do whatever they needed to do.  My throat hurt, I was dizzy, I closed my eyes to make the sensations go away, I complained, I was told the feelings were common, I begged for my mom...I was out.  Six hours later, I woke up to massive hallucinations...and then I was out.  All of my memories were formed on my second day as an in-patient.  The pain was miserable in a way I cannot describe, but I rarely used my morphine pump...stubborn bravery I suppose.  I had to lay on my right, my left, and flat on my back every two hours - for the full six days I was in the hospital.  Physical therapy began on my second day - practicing sitting upright and walking.  Sitting upright was exhausting.  My brain was so traumatized from the surgery that I had to learn to walk - my mom and a nurse keeping me upright trying to move up and down a hallway.  My brain was so traumatized from the surgery that I could not go to the bathroom alone - my mom or a nurse helping me get out of bed, walk mere feet to the bathroom, and helping me get up from the toilet and back to bed.  I could easily share every memory from my hospital stay to discharge to recovery at home, but that would go on for some time. 

Take away -
The year 1994 was a life-altering time for me and October 12th is a day I will never forget.

The year 1994 launched a television series that, unknown at the time, would become a profound staple in pop culture history - from the full decade aired to forever syndication.  The television series was Friends.  At the time, the Friends theme song was exceptionally popular.

Now, since this blog is all about music, I thought I would share the official music video featuring the cast and actual musicians behind the theme song.

Happy Friday to all.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Couture Music

The link between music and fashion has long been established on Set List.  However, "Girl Panic" (All You Need Is Now Duran Duran album) skyrocketed the interest - not only for the song itself, but also for the video.

Duran Duran fans I know personally claimed intrigue by the video and thoroughly enjoyed it.  While the video was indeed unique and creative, I, in all honesty, took slight offense. 

Duran Duran did not walk into fame.  They had to work hard to prove themselves worthy of a concert stage.  They had to bother record labels before being signed on.  Dedication, determination, occasional disagreements, and profound effort goes into eventual fame.  Fame does not come overnight.

Models, on the other hand, seem different.  All is in the image.  In my mind, if a woman has the ideal body type and is gorgeous, a modeling career and fame are a given.  Now, I could be wrong, but this is just my opinion.

And so leave a comment to share your thoughts.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday Groove

Wednesday.  Middle of the week.  Far from Monday.  Far from Friday.  Far from the weekend.

How to keep the momentum going..."Fort Knox" by Goldfish?

Lively vocals.  Profound beat. 

"Fort Knox" is certain to keep the day moving along.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday Relief

The Monday blues are now a Tuesday relief.  Friday is still far off, but the first day is no longer.

Let music take some pressure off on this Tuesday.

Let music allow Tuesday to go electric.

Where Duran Duran defined Monday, Duran Duran will define Tuesday as well.

Enjoy the videos below -


Monday, October 8, 2018

Wake Up Monday

On this first day of the work week, one cannot help but ask "Is There Something I Should Know" before employees check in, the receptionist tends to the front desk, the boss settles into his/her office, and the day planner is reviewed.

Will the Monday blues answer the question?  How will the week play out to answer the question?

Will Duran Duran better answer the question?

Let's try Duran Duran first.

Enjoy the video below.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

What Happens Tomorrow

"What Happens Tomorrow" was a musical response to the horror following September 11th.

Forever in my mind, what happens tomorrow must be better than today.

In short, Duran Duran best explains what I mean.

Enjoy the video below.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Saturday Break

Dear readers and passersby,

As usual, I will mot be posting on Saturdays.

As a sense of normalcy, I will be back on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Always Remember

Her name was Darby.  She was 17 years  old at the time of her death.  She suffered a stroke as the cause of her death.

Darby was a rare Tabby cat due to her unusual markings not typical to a regular Tabby.

She was the death in my family.

April 29, 2001 - September 25, 2018

My mother and I adopted Darby in 2005, so we were forever lucky to have her for 13 years.

I was convinced that she would live well into her twenties because of her energy and love for life.

Darby passed before I was ready.

My bond with Darby was profoundly spiritual.  She was my soul kitty.  She was meant to be in our lives.

Darby was not just a cat.  She was, in her own little way, a person.

On this Remember When Friday, I shall always remember Darby.

The best song I can think of to reflect memories is "Ordinary World."

If you  can, enjoy the video below.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Don't Stop

Where Thursday is generally dedicated to fashion, I have instead opted for Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" to keep the week going with strong momentum.

Enjoy the video below.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tel Aviv

Where Wednesday is reserved for exploring the archives, I have decided to keep the musical groove going with pure instrumental - "Tel Aviv" by Duran Duran.

Enjoy the video below.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Instrumental Break

"The Valley"

"How You Like Me Now?"

A brief instrumental moment.  A hesitation in the middle of the song.  A musical layer.  An additional groove.

Perhaps "The Valley" and "How You Like Me Now" will better explain what I mean.

Enjoy the videos below.


Monday, October 1, 2018

The Chauffeur

In this edition of Wake Up Monday, I am featuring "The Chauffeur" as performed live from London.

I suppose "The Chauffeur" for the toned down beginning before Roger Taylor picks up the beat in a way best reserved for the drums.

On this note, enjoy the video below.