Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Couture Music

The link between music and fashion has long been established on Set List.  However, "Girl Panic" (All You Need Is Now Duran Duran album) skyrocketed the interest - not only for the song itself, but also for the video.

Duran Duran fans I know personally claimed intrigue by the video and thoroughly enjoyed it.  While the video was indeed unique and creative, I, in all honesty, took slight offense. 

Duran Duran did not walk into fame.  They had to work hard to prove themselves worthy of a concert stage.  They had to bother record labels before being signed on.  Dedication, determination, occasional disagreements, and profound effort goes into eventual fame.  Fame does not come overnight.

Models, on the other hand, seem different.  All is in the image.  In my mind, if a woman has the ideal body type and is gorgeous, a modeling career and fame are a given.  Now, I could be wrong, but this is just my opinion.

And so leave a comment to share your thoughts.

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