Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday Fave

In this edition of Friday Fave, I am featuring Top 3 Most Favorite Commercial Jingles as the most well received post based on my stats.

When I launched Set List in 2010, I wrote a disclaimer - Set List would be about anything music, any genre (for the most part), and any format music comes in.  Early into the blog, I wrote in article style.  And then I discovered YouTube...a valuable find to share songs and music related videos.

Commercial jingles, though.  I find that commercial jingles add valuable insight into the music industry and expose musicians to potential fans who otherwise may not be aware.  Without commercial jingles, on the other hand, musicians may be overlooked. 

"Fort Kn0x" is a staple in the dance/electronic genre.  Yet had I never paid attention to the iconic Kia hamster commercial, I would never have discovered "Fort Knox" and Goldfish online and now on iTunes.  I furthermore would never have discovered the critical acclaim for the band's album, Perceptions of Pacha.

South African Music Awards 2009
- Best Engineer Won
- Best Dance Album Won
- Album of the Year nominated
- Best Duo or Group nominated
- Best Producer nominated

Fast forward to the present.

"Worship" by Lizzo.  I am not necessarily inclined to join Weight Watchers, but the jingle behind the Weight Watchers commercial is inspiring for those who are considering Weight Watchers.  As Duran Duran once noted - "Is There Something I Should Know?"  

Who is Lizzo?  Melissa Jefferson - a.k.a. Lizzo - is an American rapper, singer, actor, and songwriter.  As of April 19, 2019, she will have three studio albums.  More details about Lizzo can be found on Wikipedia.  One note about Lizzo - she is a young talent, born in 1988.  With "Worship" alone, I am certain she will have long-term success.

I am sorry to say that I was unable to find background research about Geowulf with the song "Saltwater" based in the 2019 Corona commercial.

And so on this Friday, you chose a post whose theme is one I will forever love - commercial jingles.  What is amazing about jingles is that they are never recycled.  Background songs play for some time until new and updated jingles make their debut.  This gives fans time to research a given song and musician to then find on iTunes or other means of downloading.

Commercial jingles...Who knew?

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