Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blues night at Amazon

It's Blues night at Amazon!  In my most recent music blog post, Set List - ...of Blues, I detailed my interest in Kenny Wayne Shepherd, whose songs such as "Was" and "Blue On Black" are controversial in labeling.  "Was" is considered Rock on iTunes and "Blue On Black" is considered Pop on iTunes.  I, however, am convinced that his deep, unique style is more along the lines of Blues, but alas this is my opinion.  If I struck a chord with you and you want to learn more, check out snapshots of these songs and others by him on iTunes.  If you like what you hear and wish to purchase an album or two, go to, as they will have a great (and reasonably priced) selection.

The album Trouble Is. . . (home to "Blue On Black") can be found on CD and MP3 download.  The album Live ON (home to "Was") can be found on CD as well.  Know, however, that there are many more albums and songs by Kenny Wayne Shepherd.  So don't limit yourself to these suggestions, as if you like what has been mentioned in this post and my Set List - ...of Blues post, do go for more.

(Note:  The $12.99 Trouble Is. . . price is for the CD.  The $9.99 price is for MP3 Download.)


  1. I just saw Kenny Wayne Shepherd at the Experience Hendrix concert last month. He was definetley one of the highlights of the show and played longer than most of the other performers. Great guitarist who is carrying on the Stevie Ray Vaughan style of blues-rock guitar.

  2. Hey! I have yet to see Kenny Wayne Shepherd live, but I love his music and do agree with your comment on him carrying on the blues-rock style. His music is refreshing and unique and is quite a contrast to artists in my generation anyway. Thank you for your comment!
