Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A bit depressed today

Life has me down lately.  In fact, I have been in a functional depression for awhile.

Reading has been an amazing form of therapy for me.  However, sometimes music is the doctor's order.  My collection consists of jazz and rock. 

Does anyone have a recommendation as to the best genre or song to help me through my blue days?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Stock Content

Every morning, I begin my day with online rounds.  I check all email accounts.  I check statistics for my Examiner account (I am the Chicago Dog Breeds Examiner for the online magazine,  I check statistics for my account.  I check statistics for my Blogger accounts.

Today was like any other.  There was nothing special in my emails.  My statistics on Examiner continue to rise in a slow fashion.  I am now on Blogger and will soon check stats.  A few moments ago, I logged on to Helium for the day.  My stats were steady. . .except for revenue.

Today, on Helium, was not at all like any other.  To my surprise, I gained a $5 adjustment in my daily earnings.  What is more, my article "Music is for everyone" is classified as stock content.  This notation, made on January 6, left me without speech.  My article, "Music is for everyone," was published on Helium on May 11, 2010.  The work was average and not my favorite.  I did post the article here on Set List.  Shortly after posting the article on this blog, my work ranked from middle of the pack to number 1.  As of January 6, I went from the status of number 1 to being picked up by an outside publisher.

"Music is for everyone" is ranked at the top on Helium under the Entertainment channel AND!!! is stock content - as in purchased by an outside publisher!  I am rockin' right now!

Gotta love music : )