Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, August 15, 2014

Always Remember to Play It

Pro bloggers always stress consistency with postings.  An audience will notice the post frequency and expect such maintenance.

Set List has been my creative outlet for four years.  A joy to be my very first blog. 

In 2013, I lost my drive to post.  However, in that year, I faced devastating personal issues that Set List could not distract me from.

In May of this year, my passion for posting anything music related returned in the most fantastic of ways.  I was thrilled and eager to write as often as possible.

In June of this year, my pace slowed down.  I thought advertising Duran Duran concert DVDs and Miles Davis albums through Amazon would give me time to find new topics to pick up the momentum.

As of July, I have once again lost my drive to post. 

I will never neglect Set List.  I hope that readers and passersby will continue to be interested and always remember to play it.