Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Dear readers and passersby,

Due to a recent death in my family, I will be taking the remainder of this week off.

I will return next Monday, October 1st.

In the meantime, explore the archives and enjoy favorite past posts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Two for Two Tuesday

Due to personal reasons, I cannot write a longer post.

However, "Falling Down" and "All You Need Is Now" by Duran Duran best reflect my personal reasons.

Enjoy the videos below.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Wake Up Monday

Monday is never the best day to look forward to.

Let's start the week, then, with a slight hint of musical humor - the official video of "You Can Call Me Al" with Paul Simon and Chevy Chase.

Have a great Monday to all.


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this week, three posts stood out the most -

Stayin' Alive...

,..Alive and Kicking

Simply Couture Reasons

(Look to the September Archives for links to Stayin' Alive... & ...Alive and Kicking.)

I am choosing, then, to highlight Simply Couture Reasons as the top post this week and Sunday favorite.

In brief, my why, my reason for simply couture is window shopping or shopping spree.   In one word overall - vicarious.

And so the post will say the rest of it.  Follow the link above.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Remember When Friday

Set List has evolved over the years, from detailed posts about favorite musicians and genres to favorite commercial jingles to personal notes to music/fashion mix to pure fashion posts.

In 2010, Set List was pure music.  I wrote in length personal commentary about anything music.  I discovered sharing YouTube videos.  From May to December, I did not stray from the core of Set List.

And now I dedicate one day out of every week to pure fashion posts.  I dedicate one day out of every week to directing readers and passersby to the archives.

In this edition of Remember When Friday, I am reflecting on 2010 and the memories that feel so long ago.

Rush as a band and "Rush" as a song will be my forever favorite post because of its simple yet profound announcement - Set List is about anything music...anything.  Eclectic was the best description, and still is.

And so I conclude this post with,

As always,
Play it!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Simply Couture Reasons

In this post, I was going to pose one question - why upscale on Simply Couture.  My answer - I really do not know. 

I live vicariously through the luxury names I promote. 

I am eager to share the brands I personally love.

I always hope to tap into interest and intrigue among readers and passersby.

For these reasons, I still do not have a solid answer to why upscale on Simply Couture.

Window shopping or shopping spree.  This is my answer.  Upscale is rather particular to what a person's budget is.  Window shopping online or live is as enjoyable as a shopping spree online or live.  I suppose, then, that upscale luxe can be for all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday Archives

Wednesday once again.

Far from Monday.

Far from Friday.

Explore the Set List archives to escape the doldrums that define the middle of the week.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

...Alive and Kicking

Simple Minds is keeping the groove going with "Alive and Kicking."

I was unable to find in-depth history of "Alive and Kicking," so for now enjoy the video below.

Happy Tuesday to all.

And as always,
Play it!

Stayin' Alive...

The history of the song is well known -

- Released on December 13, 1977
- Second single from Saturday Night Fever soundtrack
- Signature song

Reception -

- No. 189 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (2004)
- No. 1 on Billboard Hot 100 (1978)
- Platinum in the U.S.- Gold in the UK and France
- Platinum in Canada

(Source - Wikipedia)
As the Bee Gees' most recognizable song, the band's music is certainly stayin' alive.

Monday, September 17, 2018

1970s Music

I am generally not one for disco music set in the 1970s, but the decade does have a point.

In the 1970s, music introduced -

Led Deppelin
Van Halen
Talking Heads
Eric Clapton
...and so many more

A more extensive list can be found on Wikipedia.

Honest moment -
I actually do like "Stayin' Alive."

Happy Monday to all.

Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (1977)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, I am once again sharing a favorite commercial jingle - "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" for Heinz Ketchup.

Funky, upbeat disco best describes "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now."

After brief research, I found that "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" is a 1979 disco song attributed to Gene McFadden and John Whitehead (Jerry Cohen on keyboards).  I suppose, then, I wasn't too far off with my description.

Side notes -

No. 1 on R&B Singles Chart (spent one week)
No. 13  on Billboard Hot 100
No. 5 in the UK
No. 10 on disco charts
Double Platinum with over 2 million copies sold

History -

Considered to be a reflection of the African American community experience
"new black national anthem"

(Source - Wikipedia)

Enjoy the video below.

Happy Sunday!

Aint No Stopping Us Now Mcfadden and Whitehead

Friday, September 14, 2018

Remember When Friday

On this Friday, I will admit that this week is catching up to me.

I cannot recall a memory to share in this edition  of Remember When Friday.  I ask, then, that you turn to the archives to find a memorable post of your own.

Happy Friday to all.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday Fashion

Set List is eclectic.  For the most part, I write about music in any format and any genre.  I once brought up the link between music and fashion.  This notion has since stuck with Set List.  From time to time, I detour from music to focus on fashion interests.

Avon Boss promotes my business as an Avon Representative.  Simply Couture promotes my work as a Fashmates stylist and affiliate representative.

Simply Couture

The essence of Simply Couture is upscale, luxury, couture fashion.  This is reflected in Fashmates style sets I create.  However, I recently applied to luxury affiliate programs and have been accepted into several, from jewelry to beauty to women's and men's fashion to luxury department stores and so much more.

Where Avon is my small business, so too is Simply Couture.  I am, quite simply, an online entrepreneur.

Every small business needs support and interest in order to thrive. 

Please consider Simply Couture.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday Archives

Wednesday is here yet again.

Far from Monday - a positive.

Far from Friday - frustrating.

Far from the weekend - your adjective choice.

And so, as with every week, explore the Set List archives to reminisce.

Happy Wednesday to all.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


September 11, 2001

On this day, 17 years ago, a child was born.  He or she is now a senior in high school.

On this day, 17 years ago, President George W. Bush sat in a classroom filled with young children eager to learn and share.

"America is under attack"

On this day, 17 years ago, three planes never reached their destination.

On this day, 17 years ago, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and perhaps godparents died in the most horrific unnatural of ways.

On this day, 17 years ago -

"Have a good day"

"I love you"

Sentimental daily words never spoken and heard again.

September 11, 2001

Always remember

Celtic Woman - Amazing Grace

Beyonce National Anthem at Presidential Inauguration Ceremony 2013 | ABC...

Monday, September 10, 2018

Wake Up Monday

In this edition of Wake Up Monday, I am featuring Duran Duran's "Night Boat" as performed live from London.

I find "Night Boat" to be of curious interest rather than flat out favorite.
And so wake up this Monday morning to "Night Boat."


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, I am highlighting New Religion as the most favorite post this week.

"New Religion" is an unspoken favorite primarily because of my mother, believe it or not.  "New Religion" ranks first in her favorite Duran Duran songs of all time and actually overall.

The "New Religion" lyrics are a personal challenge for me to follow, especially when Simon, John, and Andy are singing over each other.  However, when Simon picks up the pace, the energy level skyrockets and, for this reason, "New Religion" is amazing as performed live.

New Religion will say the rest of it.  Follow the link above.

Friday, September 7, 2018

New Religion

"Planet Earth" live

"Ordinary World" recorded

Red Carpet Massacre concert

"Save a Prayer" for special reasons

Taking a liking to "Pressure Off"

"Tel Aviv" as a pure instrumental

"Reach Up For the Sunrise" & "What Happens Tomorrow" for inspiration

But did you know...

"New Religion" is an unspoken favorite.

The official Duran Duran Twitter account recently posted a throw back video to when the band performed "New Religion" live in 1982 (I believe the year was).  Fashion choices for the original lineup have come a long way since then, but the focal point was the song and the energy that remained consistent then and now (before Andy Taylor's departure).

Nick Rhodes hints at a mysterious tone in the keyboard opening until Andy Taylor electrifies the pace.  Roger Taylor maintains the beat.  John Taylor's bass is intriguing in a way much like the keyboard opening.  I am not sure how this could make sense, but I suppose the deep sound of a bass guitar adds an element of musical curiosity.  Simon Le Bon's vocals are, of course, the glue that holds the song together.  The lyrics are powerful in mid-song in that Simon, John, and Andy are singing over each other in a seamless way.

Whether performed in the 1980s or well into the 21st Century, I, quite simply, really like "New Religion."

And so on this Remember When Friday, enjoy the videos below as a Duran Duran throw back.

Happy Friday!

Duran Duran New Religion

Duran Duran - New Religion - 12/31/1982 - Palladium (Official)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Fashion Rush

Set List - Rush

Set List - Rush is the most well-received post to date.  Therefore, the meaning behind the title goes without saying...Set List will forever be eclectic.

Eclectic indeed...Not just about music, but also about personal moments.  As an example of a personal moment, fashion.  Fashion as a Set List topic is established at this point - my Avon business, my Avon blog, and the social styling platform Fashmates. 

Fashion and music just seem to go well together.  And so for this reason, I tend to sidetrack from time to time.

Set List will forever be eclectic.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wednesday Archives

Wednesday blues

Far from Monday … Relief

Far from Friday … Feels so far away

Far from the weekend … Goes without saying

And so on this Wednesday, escape into the Set List archives.  Find a long ago favorite and reminisce. 

My Set List motto -

Always remember to play it!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Paris Jazz

Paris.  Culture?  Delicacy?  Architecture?  Foreign language?  Cafés?  Fashion?  Music?

All are first and foremost.  Fashion is an obvious first rank, but the same could be said sipping on a cup of coffee in an outdoor café...and the same for the unique, historical, and beautiful architecture...and the same for the Louvre and Notre Dame...and the same for the Eifel Tower. 

Let's focus on music.

Miles Davis recorded musically breathtaking songs in his 1957 album, Ascenseur pour l'echafaud.  "Generique" and "Au bar du petit bac" are the best known highlights.

I am fairly certain that both "Generique" and "Au bar du petit bac" have been featured on Set List via YouTube videos. 

And so as not to repeat myself, explore the archives to find these or any other favorites.

Happy Tuesday to all.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Wake Up Monday

In this edition of Wake Up Monday, wake up to Parov Stelar's "The Paris Swing Box."

Keep up with the quick beat.  Get lost in the lyrics. 

Jazz meets electro.

Happy Monday to   all.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, I thought I would share a new favorite musician rather than a past favorite Set List post. 

His name is Parov Stelar.  An Austrian-born composer with musical influences from jazz to house to electro to pop. 

I believe "The Sun" is his most well-known work due to its background feature in the Transitions Lenses commercial.  "The Sun" is now in my iTunes are four others.

His jazz elements sound 1920s in tone.  His electro elements blend seamlessly into the fast jazz pace.  The house elements provide a background nightclub feel. 

I imagine jazz and electro being polar opposites.  The integrity of the jazz element in Parov Stelar's songs is never compromised.  The electro and house elements add a unique twist and additional beat.  In this way, I could say that perhaps jazz and electro fit together.

A great example is "Chambermaid Swing."

Other favorites include "Catgroove," "The Paris Swing Box," and "Booty Swing."

I hope you will enjoy the song below.

Happy Sunday to all.