Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, November 30, 2018

2018 Memories

December is a busy month - decorating, shopping, holiday much to do in one month alone!

On this last day of November, I thought I would spend this edition of Remember When Friday reflecting on my official return to Set List in March of this year.

In 2014, I dedicated my time on Set List in rapid fashion.  The year was a sprint and I ran out of steam.

In the years since, I lost touch and in 2016 and 2017, I could only wish Set List a happy anniversary.

In March of this year, I was curious.  I do not remember what the first post was about, but I wrote.  And then I wrote again.  And again.  And again.  And again.  I was all the while nervous that I would quit as quickly as I began.  April proved me otherwise with 64 posts and the month to beat.

I will admit coming close to leaving just a short time ago (roughly around October).  I suggested exploring the archives several days in a row.  I simply did not know what to write about.  I took time off to contemplate my future with Set List.

I published 106 posts in my launch year, 2010.  I have published over 300 posts since March of this year.  I marked a milestone this year - 500 published posts.

And so my 2018 memories, then, are special.  Set List is a virtual home to me and coming back after so many years in question makes me feel positive that I will never leave again.  I may take a break or two, but I am home.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Bridal Shop

In this edition of Thursday fashion, I am announcing my new blog, Bridal Shop!

As a Style Icon on the social styling platform, Fashmates, I am always inspired to create a variety of looks by a variety of fashion designers.  For the most part, though, I tend to remain classic...So how is Fashmates related to Bridal Shop?

From time to time, I enjoy styling a bridal look.  My source is Fashmates.  My inspiration is Kleinfeld Bridal - home to couture bridal designers and to the reality television program, "Say Yes to the Dress." … Fashmates and Kleinfeld Bridal

Kleinfeld designers are a feature on Fashmates, so...

Welcome to Bridal Shop!

Couture bridal gowns and accessories.  Couture maid of honor dresses and accessories.

As an affiliate marketer, I create posts highlighting couture groom apparel.

As an affiliate marketer, I create posts highlighting luxury jewels (available for a woman's everyday budget).

Should you find interest, explore and enjoy my Bridal Shop link above.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Dive right in -

When I am at a loss for words or post theme, my default is searching through the Set List archives. 

Whether you search through 2018 or go years back, there may be a forgotten post that leaves you as intrigued now as you were then.

This is my reason for suggesting the Set List archives.

Explore and enjoy!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Once One

Dive right in -

I doubt the music videos for "Once In a Lifetime" and "One Thing Leads to Another" surpassed the success of Duran Duran's "Rio," but the songs themselves are as successfully popular in modern culture as the song, "Rio."

I chose to feature "Once In a Lifetime" and "One Thing Leads to Another" on this two for two Tuesday because I saw an opposing theme in the titles.  If one thing leads to another, then that one thing cannot last once in a lifetime.

Whereas I generally highlight similarities in two for two Tuesday songs, I am finding intrigue in what is presented today.

Curiosity I suppose.

Leave a comment to share your take away of both songs!

The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another

Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime (Official Video)

Monday, November 26, 2018

Electric Barbarella

My first thought when watching the "Electric Barbarella" video is a model made to order.  In a sense, the video is similar to the Disney film, Pinocchio - still life becomes reality.  She is uniquely designed with makeup and maid attire.  She functions on an electric level.  A rather odd lyric - "Princess of my dreams."

The "Electric Barbarella" video is certainly one of a kind.  The lyrics to "Electric Barbarella" are unusual, but the tone is defining to Duran Duran - even if lacking the original lineup.

There is one lyric I cannot get past - "But you never looked so good."  Perfect skin, plastic kiss, fake fur, fake pearls.  She is designed to be the ideal figure.

In the post, "I Don't Want Your Love," I admitted to not being an overall fan of the song but loved the live intro.  In the case of "Electric Barbarella," I love the song for its energetic beat but the lyrics are seemingly off in a way I cannot describe.

This is my take on "Electric Barbarella."

Duran Duran - Electric Barbarella (Official Music Video)

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday Favorite

You spoke.  I listened.

I Like Noise is this week's top post favorite.

"I like noise" is a profound declaration on a rock concert stage.

When he shouts "No.  I like more  noise than that," the crowd screams in a deafening way.

Bold move Simon Le Bon.

And so the post will say the rest of it.  Follow the link above.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Music Pick - I Don't Want Your Love

"I Don't Want Your Love"

- First single from Big Thing album
- Released in September 1988

- #14 UK Singles Chart
- #4 Billboard Hot 100
- #1 Italy
- #8 Canada
- #15 Switzerland

(Source - Wikipedia)

Duran Duran members -
Simon Le Bon
John Taylor
Nick Rhodes

For the live from London intro alone, my music pick is "I Don't Want Your Love."

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Announcement

Dear readers and passersby,

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, I will be taking a break on Thursday and Friday. 

I will return on Saturday as usual.


I am at a loss for what to post on Set List, so once again I ask readers and passersby to turn to the archives.

On the other hand, listen to "Music" by Madonna as you scroll through past posts.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Strike a Pose


Classic song
Iconic Madonna

Where Simon Le Bon likes noise, Madonna states "let your body move to the music."

Groove is truly in the forefront of "Vogue."  Groove comes with dancing to the song and posing to the lyrics. 

Enjoy the video below.

Madonna - Vogue

Monday, November 19, 2018

I Like Noise

Veteran's Day is a reflective day to honor those who have served and come home or served and sacrificed.

The holiday is now in the past, so I thought I would lighten the Set List mood with "I Don't Want Your Love" by Duran Duran as performed live from London in 2004.

In the intro, Simon Le Bon is encouraging Roger Taylor and Roger knows exactly what to do.  Simon and Roger are talking to each other in an instrumental way.  Throughout the concert, Roger talks to Nick Rhodes in an instrumental way and to Andy Taylor in an instrumental way as well.  The connections are profound and intriguing.

My favorite part of the intro is when the band just stops to let the audience roar.  I especially love watching Nick back off from his keyboards.

There is electricity in any rock concert between the band and the audience.  Proof - "I like noise!" by Simon.

"No.  I like more noise than that."

Duran Duran I Don't Wanna Your Love

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, I am happy to share this week's top favorite based on reader and passerby views - Veterans to Politics.

On this Sunday Favorite -

The post will say the rest of it.  Follow the link above.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Music Pick - Walking On the Moon

Apollo 11 Mission

Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin

July 21, 1969

Buzz Aldrin became the first person to walk on the moon...technically speaking.  He was filming Neil Armstrong exiting the hatch and down the ladder.  Aldrin was the first person to touch the surface of the moon, but Armstrong was the first to be recorded for the experience.

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

And so on Set List, I am choosing "Walking On the Moon" as my music pick.

Friday, November 16, 2018

First Holiday Season on Set List

My first holiday season on Set List...a true blast from the past.

I launched Set List in May  2010, so Memorial Day was my first holiday on Set List.  The fourth of July was my second holiday on Set List.  Halloween was my third holiday on Set List.  And then there was Christmas 2010...Duran Duran style.  Sweet sentiments from Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes.

Fast forward eight years and I can only wonder what the 2018 holiday season will be like on Set List.

This is my Remember When Friday.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thanksgiving in Style

Advertisements for Halloween seem to run before the beginning of October.  Advertisements for Christmas always run well before December.  Thanksgiving is defined by the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  Family, a delicious feast, and goodbye to get in line for must have Christmas gifts that may or may not remain special one year from now.  This is what Thanksgiving has come to - a sense of hate to eat and run.

In this edition of Thursday Fashion, I am focusing on style.

Trunk Club is a subscription service for women's fashion and men's fashion.  Clients work with personal stylists to create the perfect outfit for any occasion and to refresh the client's wardrobe overall.  Trunk Club is a division of Nordstrom and all brands featured come from Nordstrom - an upscale selection.

Trunk Club honors every occasion - including Thanksgiving.

Follow the link below for style.

Thanksgiving Fashion on Trunk Club

(Due affiliate disclosure as required is provided in the link)

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Set List Archives

I am at a loss today for what to post in detail, so I am once again suggesting you turn to the Set List Archives.  My deepest apologies.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Veterans to Politics

There  has long been a trend between those who have served the United States in war and serving the United States as politicians.

For example, Ulysses S. Grant went from Union General to President of the United States following the end of the Civil War.  John Glenn was elected into Congress as a Senator following his time as the first astronaut to orbit the Earth.  John McCain served in Congress as a Senator following his time in the navy during the Vietnam War.

Veteran's Day was on Sunday, November 11th but was in true honor on Monday, November 12th.

The best musical tribute I can offer is U2's "Where the Streets Have No Name" and "Walking On the Moon" by The Police.  Both songs offer curiosity in what can be discovered - in outer space, in war, and in politics.

And so I conclude my honor to veterans in the only way I know how - Set List.

The Police - Walking On The Moon

U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name

Monday, November 12, 2018

History Lesson

When I was a junior in high school, "We Didn't Start the Fire" was on a lesson plan.  My fellow classmates and I had to guess the historical significance of every lyric - who, what, when.

Every person learns in a different way - visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (movement).  I am a visual learner.

"We Didn't Start the Fire" is ideal for all three learning styles - auditory lyrics, visualizing the historical lyrics, and kinesthetic movement to the lyrics.

Learning styles aside, I am featuring "We Didn't Start the Fire" today as a U.S. history lesson following Veteran's Day on November 11th.

Veterans must always be honored for their service, whether surviving or passed.  The history of every veteran is shared with following generations.  Oral history and history in a textbook.

"We Didn't Start the Fire" is musical history.

And so may the video below this post be a history lesson to all.

Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official Video)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, there is a three-way tie.

Planet Earth

Simply Bergdorf Goodman

Remember Set List in 2011

The Planet Earth post is a Duran Duran official video, so I will let that one be.

The Remember Set List in 2011 post is part text and part video, so I will let that one be as well (although the video is a forever favorite).

And then there is Simply Bergdorf Goodman.  I will let the link above detail the content of the post.

With that said, Simply Bergdorf Goodman reflects Simply Couture as my blog and Bergdorf Goodman as a luxury department store.  Simply Couture and Bergdorf Goodman are upscale in nature and fun to post (window) shop or shop away.  In fact, my first sale came through Bergdorf Goodman.

Of the three, I will say that Simply Bergdorf Goodman is today's favorite.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Music Pick - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

In July 1993, my family and I moved from Southern California to Illinois.  There were so many differences - turn signals were optional, suburban families were clique in nature, children my age (10) never came into Chicago to know the difference between the Hancock Tower and the Sears Tower (Willis Tower).  I could very easily go on.

There is one difference that stood out the most - snow.  My first experience with snowfall was in October 1993...just flurries, but still.  Snow in October seemed odd, but welcome to Illinois.  I was fine with the experience.  In fact, I was eager for more snow as the winter season came along.  As the years went by, the first snowfall progressed into the months - October to November to December.  At any rate, I fell in love with snow early on.  The first flurry was always magical to me.  The first measurable snow was always enjoyable to me.  In 2009, I experienced my first blizzard.  That really was an experience!

And so on this Music Pick Saturday, I choose "Let It Snow!  Let It Snow!  Let It Snow!" as my favorite from this week.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Remember Set List in 2011

As I look back over the years to reminisce on this Remember When Friday, one post from 2011 stands out the most.

A short video of Roger Taylor announcing Duran Duran's performance at the Chicago Theater on October 21, 2011.

No words.  Randomly passed cue cards.  Cannot help  but smile when he has a straight face.

Happy Friday.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Simply Bergdorf Goodman

In this edition of Thursday Fashion, Bergdorf Goodman is the highlight.  (An affiliate link to Bergdorf Goodman can be found on my Simply Couture blog.)

Bergdorf Goodman background -

- Luxury goods department store
- Based in Manhattan
- Founded in 1899 by Herman Bergdorf
- Later owned and managed by Edwin Goodman and Edwin's son, Andrew
- Bergdorf Goodman name in 1901
- Initial structure is now the site of Rockefeller Center
- Permanent location on 5th Avenue
- Subsidiary of Neiman Marcus

(A full background can be found on Wikipedia.)

Simply Couture would not be without commission.  Simply Bergdorf Goodman is, then, my first customer commission...Dior makeup.

Bergdorf Goodman ranks well in couture and is worth considering a purchase or shopping spree to feel luxe.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

State of the Earth

My forever love of "Planet Earth" live is well-known on Set List.  This post is not a reflection of that version, however.  Instead, I thought I would write about the state of our planet Earth.

Every January, by the rule of the Constitution, the President of the United States is required to present the State of the Union.  The state of our Union has not been sound for quite some time and in my lifetime, I hope a president will say such.

Scientists constantly raise concerns over the state of the Earth.  There is no set month to make an address.  There is no rule of law to require scientists to make an address.  The state of the Earth is declining.

Earth is our only home.  There is one collective group of residents - from human beings to all other living creatures.  In a healthy state, Earth is all we have to survive.  In a damaged state, Earth is all we have.  We must not destroy such a precious globe...

...But we do, from global warming to endangered species.

...We destroy our Earth with every bout of hatred amongst each other. 

Hate is a vicious word that is best reserved for those who created hell while living.  Yet in the 21st Century, hate has become a common word used loosely.  My response - really?

Our Planet Earth is weak. 

Appreciate what we have so that "Planet Earth" live can still be enjoyed.

Duran Duran - Planet Earth (Official Music Video)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Set List Forecast

In Chicago, the weather forecast is predicting snow later this week.

On Set List, the musical forecast is predicting a rather unique two for two that are generally polar opposites in genre.

Chris Botti - "Let It Snow!  Let It Snow!  Let It Snow!"

Billy Squier - "Everybody Wants You"

Chris Botti's rendition of "Let It Snow!" is magical and an escape into a winter wonderland.

My follow up with "Everybody Wants You" is a musical want.  Everybody (nearly) wants the weather to let it snow.

And so enjoy the videos below.


Monday, November 5, 2018

Night Boat

"Night Boat" by Duran Duran

I only know "Night Boat" through my Live from London concert DVD. 

I am not entirely a fan of the song itself, but the performance is intriguing - especially the opening with Simon Le Bon scanning the audience with a large flashlight and the mysterious tone of the lighting first on Nick Rhodes and then the narrow band of lighting on Roger Taylor.  The band knows their instruments well to play with dim lighting.

For this reason, I am choosing "Night Boat" to wake up this Monday.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, three posts throughout this week tied for most well-received by readers and passersby.

- By Stevie Wonder

Music Pick - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
- Personal favorite feature this week

Avon Holidays 2018
- Sample Avon fashion for the holidays 2018

Of the three, I would opt to focus on Avon Holidays 2018 because "Superstition" and "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight" were in preparation for Halloween.

Avon Holidays 2018 -

I shared a great deal of holiday fashion samples in the Avon Holidays 2018 post, so as a refresher, follow the link above.

For the full Avon Holidays line (beyond fashion), visit my eStore to explore and shop away!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Music Pick - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

Dear readers and passersby,

A quick note to say that I am returning to Set List on Saturdays.

As you know, every day has a theme - Wake Up Monday, Two for Two Tuesday, Wednesday Archives, Thursday Fashion, Remember When Friday, and Sunday Favorite.

Now that I am back on Saturdays, the theme is Music Pick - a favorite song shared during the week.

And so on this Music Pick, I am choosing "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight" as my favorite song during this week.

"Tonight, Tonight, Tonight" by Genesis when Phil Collins took over as the lead singer.

Genesis.  Peter Gabriel or Phil Collins.  I could go either way.

One unique aspect to Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins is that both experienced continued success on their own.  As a side note, the same is true for Sting after the break up of The Police.

With regards to Phil Collins, tonight continues.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Holidays 2010

Halloween is the unofficial start of the holiday season.  November is the official start of the holiday season. 

In the first post for November, I shared fashion samples from Avon's holiday 2018 collection.

Crisp weather.  Colorful leaves.  Fallen leaves.  Sweater weather.  Coat weather.  Scarf weather.  Mitten weather soon to come.

On this Remember When Friday, I will always remember my first holiday season on Set List.  In 2010, Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes posted a special Happy Holidays video.  I was so excited to share the sentiments and video posting was still rather new to me, making the spirit of the holidays that much more special.

I adore the holiday season - the intoxicating aroma of special meals, decorating the household, decorating the tree with sentimental ornaments, laying out the tree skirt, shopping for the perfect gifts to fit under the tree, sparkling lights.

Snowfall caps off the holiday season (and of course into January and February).

There is one other Remember When Friday memory, as a side note - I experienced my first blizzard in 2010.

Alas I digress.  On this Remember When Friday, the holiday season in 2010 will always be special because it was my first on Set List.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Avon Holidays 2018

Where September is the official beginning of the Autumn season, October is the unofficial beginning of the holiday season.  October 31st has passed.  November is here.  Let's kick off the 2018 holidays Avon style.

The iconic Avon staple is makeup.  However, the company has grown to include skin care, bath & body, fragrance, jewelry, fashion, home, and products for men.  Avon is further known for its sales and outlet sections. 

Let's stay with fashion.

Avon always offers gorgeous apparel that can appeal to any interest and any budget. 

In this holiday 2018 season, Avon is featuring fashion for the winter chill and Christmas spirit.

As this is Thursday fashion on Set List, below are a few examples of Avon fashion. 

These selections can be found in my Avon eStore.

Joy Sweater - 1
Be Merry Sweater - 1
Agnes Mock-Neck Top - 1
Brooke Fair Isle Sweater - 1
Holiday Tee - 1
Tabitha Peacoat - 1
Sleigh Bells Bling Pajama - 1
Sleigh All Day Pajama Set - 1