Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Veterans to Politics

There  has long been a trend between those who have served the United States in war and serving the United States as politicians.

For example, Ulysses S. Grant went from Union General to President of the United States following the end of the Civil War.  John Glenn was elected into Congress as a Senator following his time as the first astronaut to orbit the Earth.  John McCain served in Congress as a Senator following his time in the navy during the Vietnam War.

Veteran's Day was on Sunday, November 11th but was in true honor on Monday, November 12th.

The best musical tribute I can offer is U2's "Where the Streets Have No Name" and "Walking On the Moon" by The Police.  Both songs offer curiosity in what can be discovered - in outer space, in war, and in politics.

And so I conclude my honor to veterans in the only way I know how - Set List.

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