Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, August 15, 2014

Always Remember to Play It

Pro bloggers always stress consistency with postings.  An audience will notice the post frequency and expect such maintenance.

Set List has been my creative outlet for four years.  A joy to be my very first blog. 

In 2013, I lost my drive to post.  However, in that year, I faced devastating personal issues that Set List could not distract me from.

In May of this year, my passion for posting anything music related returned in the most fantastic of ways.  I was thrilled and eager to write as often as possible.

In June of this year, my pace slowed down.  I thought advertising Duran Duran concert DVDs and Miles Davis albums through Amazon would give me time to find new topics to pick up the momentum.

As of July, I have once again lost my drive to post. 

I will never neglect Set List.  I hope that readers and passersby will continue to be interested and always remember to play it.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Speaking of the Wild Boys

In March of this year, I launched a Duran Duran fan website -

Play It Duran Duran

My site features 8 Photo Albums -
"Duran Duran" Album
"DD Album Covers" Album
"DD Greatest Hits" Album
"DD Live" Album
Simon Le Bon album
Nick Rhodes album
John Taylor album
Roger Taylor album

My site features a Video gallery -
Live concerts and Music videos...just to name a few

My site features a Forums setting -
View my website link for the categories.

My site features a Links list -
View my website link for this tab.

My site features a Blog.

Play It Duran Duran has received positive feedback from fellow "Duranies."  If you are an ultimate Duran Duran fan or hold great interest, explore what my website has to offer.  Membership is free!  As my Set List motto goes, play it!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Birthday to a Wild Boy

I always feel compelled to wish a happy birthday to the wild boys that make up Duran Duran on Set List.  They are musicians and Set List is about anything music after all.

And so I wish a most special Happy Birthday to Nick Rhodes on this June 8th.

In advance, I will wish a Happy Birthday to John Taylor on June 20th.

In retrospect, I tend to overlook Roger Taylor on his special day, April 26th, perhaps because we are three days apart.  I honor him every year through the band's social media strategist, Katy Krassner.

Simon Le Bon...His voice and his stage presence define the amazing performer he is.  His tweets on Twitter define a glimpse of his true and sweetly genuine personality.  On October 27th and the eldest of the group, he will rock his birthday.

Today, however, I reserve best wishes for Nick Rhodes on his most special Happy Birthday to be filled with love, laughs, and content happiness.  He is Nick today and a wild boy after.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Set List Posts - I'm always surprised

In May 2010, my second post to Set List discussed the exceptionally eclectic interest I have in music - genres and musicians alike.  On the last day of my first month on Set List, I wrote a post discussing music I would never consider...but did.  Select musicians especially struck a chord so strong that I felt compelled to write about them.  Justin Timberlake stood out in 2010.  At the time, I saw him as more of an entertainer to screaming teen fans than an actual musician.  However, some months or so later, I saw him perform at an awards show singing and playing the piano.  I remember being incredibly impressed because the piano is not as well-versed in popularity as, for instance, the guitar.  And so came the post, "Set List - I'm always impressed."

In May of this year, I wrote "Trending on Set List," where I discussed posts ranking high in page views.

In this post, I have found a blend between surprise and trend.  The current trend in entries is "Say on Set List," which was an emotional post I felt worthy of writing and sharing.  My surprise four years later is viewer interest in more personal posts as opposed to strictly music.

Every month and every year on Set List comes with intriguing surprise reaction that keeps me going.  I will always say that Set List truly is eclectic.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Reflex Reflection

"Say on Set List" in retrospect was intense.  I am emotional by nature and writing out my thoughts is a reflex.  I do keep a journal for personal reflection and in one moment, "Say on Set List" was an entry.  Set List is not a journal.  Set List is a reflection on anything music. 

Duran Duran is a reflex to getting back on track emotionally.  On Set List, of course, Duran Duran is always a reflex.

Enjoy the live video below as I get Set List back on track.

The Reflex (live from London) - Duran Duran

Monday, June 2, 2014

Say on Set List

In life, "I gotta feeling ... because I'm happy" doesn't always last.  Music isn't always therapeutic.  In life, John Mayer's "Say" or Tears for Fears "Shout" is the best way to express emotions.  This post is what I have to say on Set List.

My life is not ideal, but my life is lucky...quite the contradiction.

I am lucky to have my mom.  I am lucky to have her unconditional love.  I am lucky to have her home as my home.  My life is lucky...

...However, my life is not ideal. 

Education was my career from kindergarten to graduate school.  In October 2009, my career ended under a strong assumption that my professional career would follow soon.  Interviews, cold calls, cold emails, creative outlets...In June 2014, I do not have a professional career and my viable worth to employers has depreciated to complete nonexistence.  I am, like countless many, unemployed with no hopeful horizon.

Is Set List my desired career?  I love to write about music and am always curious as to where various genres will take me.  I am intrigued by audience reaction to past posts.  I ask again, however, is Set List my desired career?  I wish so dearly.  In 2010, I was entirely unaware of the concept of pro blogger.  I wrote with passion only.  In 2014, I continue to write with passion, but with a twist.  I now also write to generate revenue.  Every career comes with a paycheck, online and offline.  When a career does not come with a salary or hourly rate, the career is a hobby.  Therefore, Set List is a hobby.

My life is lucky, but not ideal.

This post is what I have to say on Set List.

John Mayer - Say

Friday, May 30, 2014

Van Halen

Van Halen as a must addition to favorite Hard Rock classics is truly a phenomenal choice.  In personal honesty, I lean toward Van Halen as an ultimate Hard Rock favorite.

I chose to feature "Panama," "Runnin' with the Devil," and "I'll Wait" because, in my opinion alone, they best represent the unique sound in Van Halen's lyrics and instrumentals.  The guitar in "Eruption" defined the song.  The drums in "I'll Wait" defined the song.  The lyrics in "Panama" and "Runnin' with the Devil" defined both songs.  My opinion alone.

In my first post on Set List, I said that every artist has a unique sound to offer.  For the most part, this is true with Van Halen.  However, "I'll Wait" ponders in my mind.  Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran once said in a documentary that every member of the original line up, as he put it, had to be heard all the time.  I imagine every rock band feeling the same sentiment.  "I'll Wait" stands out especially to the point Nick was stating.  Vocals aside of course, the drums had to be heard and the guitar had to be heard.  On an interesting note, somewhere in the late two-minute mark, the beat went off course and everyone went their own way.  When the beat settled back into the original course of the song, everyone followed.  As just a fan, I thought this sound was musically creative...again my opinion alone.

Lead singers seem to come and go with Van Halen, but despite the back and forth, I found in research that the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007 and ranked 7th in VH1's list of Top 100 Hard Rock artists of all time.  (

I am not a musician.  I am not a song or album critic.  I have no professional knowledge of the music industry.  I am an avid fan, however.  Van Halen as a must addition in this post and in "Classics Part 2 : A Must Addition" show how one band alone can leave such a strong imprint in the world of musical intrigue.

Van Halen - I'll Wait + lyrics

Van Halen - Runnin' With the Devil + lyrics

Van Halen - Panama + lyrics

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I Gotta Feeling

"...that tonight's gonna be a good night..." - Black Eyed Peas

A spontaneous Happy Feet moment on Set List.

A blanket of clouds in Chicago...Singin' In the Rain instead of singing to iTunes today.

Supreme sentiment for this perfect day -

"It's a beautiful day...Don't let it get away..." - U2, "Beautiful Day"

These quotes reflect an amazing place my life is in.  My love for blogging on Set List has become my dream career.  I am achieving personal goals.

"I Gotta Feeling" that "...because I'm happy...", Pharrell Williams might be on to something.

"Clap along if you know what happiness is to you..."

I hope this post will find you just as well.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Trending on Set List

Hard Rock classic posts are trending in audience interest in an unprecedented score.

Van Halen, Aerosmith, Guns 'N Roses, and AC DC - a brief list of Hard Rock classic bands - define power and electricity in lyrics, instrumentals, and live performance.  Eddie Van Halen and Slash own their guitars in recording sessions alone.  Steven Tyler and Brian Johnson make a bold statement with their vocals.  Van Halen, Aerosmith, Guns 'N Roses, and AC DC are merely four out of infinite other timeless Hard Rock classics. 

In this post, I want to honor a rock band so immensely popular that the title "classic" is not an ultimate...The Rolling Stones.  The Rolling Stones formed in 1962 and history since tells the story of the band's success.  The following achievements reflect a little over five decades of establishing unique sound, recording, performing, and landing a fan base generations in count -

Grammy Award for Best Album
Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award
Grammy Hall of Fame Award
Billboard Music Artist Achievement Award
World Music Award for World's Best Selling Touring Band
...Just to name a few

In my opinion, as a fan, rock music in all sub-genres is a backbone to society and culture, in the United States and so many other countries.

Music in all genres unites global citizens.  Music will always trend on Set List.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Classics Part 2 : A Must Addition

I have a question for all those in love with electric guitar classics, rock or hard rock.  Who is the ultimate - Eddie Van Halen, Slash, or Andy Taylor?  I imagine the answer will be difficult to decide.  Leave your opinion in the comments box because I am not saying a word...

Eddie Van Halen - Eruption

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Hard Rock Classic for Hard Rock Consumers

The ultimate refresher for hard rock athletes is Gatorade.  In a recent television advertisement for Gatorade, I recognized "Welcome To the Jungle" as an intense backdrop for the intense action posed in the advert.

I will never be a hard rock athlete, but Gatorade is actually pretty good.  I like select Hard Rock classic bands and songs, but I am officially "throwing in the towel" with Guns 'N Roses.  I will go as far as the commercial backdrop only.  This is a shame because the instrumental break was rather intriguing and lower in tone for such daring lyrics.  For this reason, I would have tolerated the song, but when the vocals came through the instrumental, I felt let down.

At any rate, I can admittedly see why Guns 'N Roses would sponsor Gatorade.

Guns 'N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle (Lyrics In Description) (HQ)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On the other hand : Smooth Jazz Classics

Rock Classics : The Police, U2...the list goes on

Hard Rock Classics : Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, AC DC...the list goes on

Smooth Jazz Classics...What?  I imagine your jaw dropping to the floor.  Set List is inspired by Duran Duran, but I do cover many genres of personal interest and of honorable mention.  I bring forth multiple forms of music so as not to get stuck in a record loop. 

Anyway, the artists you see below are a brief reflection of smooth jazz classics on a list as long, if not longer, as rock.

Little known facts about smooth jazz -

- This genre stems from jazz fusion with elements of jazz, R&B, funk, rock, and pop.

- Smooth jazz was once presented in radio format. 

- Smooth jazz currently thrives on non-commercial radio and Internet stations. 

- Concerts and record sales keep smooth jazz a favorite as a genre.


My take on the select musicians presented below -

Chris Botti is a trumpet performer.  His sound is distinct and emotionally driven.  His songs tell a musical story that, like a novel, cannot be put down.  I highly recommend Italia and Live in Boston.  His talent is inspiring.

Boney James is a saxophone performer.  His sound is distinct and sensually driven.  I recommend Body Language and Ride to hear tones of jazz and funk.  One of my most favorite songs is from Ride and is called "RPM."  This selection remains within the confines of smooth jazz as a genre, but experiments with upbeat sounds I, personally, only hear with The Rippingtons - another smooth jazz musical band.

Rick Braun is a trumpet performer.  I only know the song "Night Walk" from the album with the same name.  I love this song for its sense of romantic emotion and lull of relaxation.  "Night Walk" is truly a song best meant to end a long day.

My take on the artists above are merely personal opinions.

This post, along with the videos below, reflects a genre of music that on the surface goes without due representation.  Smooth jazz is a viable avenue with as many styles as rock and so many other genres.  I suppose I could say "listen before judging."  You would be surprised at what smooth jazz has to offer.

Chris Botti & Andrea Bocelli - Italia

Boney James - Body Language

Rick Braun - Nightwalk (LP Version)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Set List : A Confession List

In 2010, I was a new blogger - Set List in May and Puppy Love in November.  I had no online advice to follow.  I had no pro blogger words of wisdom.  I only had me.  I relied on my passion for each blog niche and a world of good luck (hoped for by me).  I created a journey that was rocky from the start but strived to smooth out as time has gone on.  Today, my journey is still rocky.

In previous posts, my story about Set List is clear.  However, there are deeper emotions that linger from a post in my first month as a blogger.

When I launched Set List with my first post and my first advertisement addition, I wrongfully assumed that traffic will a substantial amount...Google AdSense will be made...and my good luck will be proven.

In my first month on Set List, I received some traffic, some comment attraction, some pennies, a dim horizon of good luck.  I kept going.  More traffic will a larger amount...pennies to dollars...and a brighter horizon of good luck.

Months went by...years went by...100+ traffic/month...$.01 penny every so often (a.k.a. months)...the sun has set on my horizon.

Four years later to the month, I treat Set List as a new blog with a new journey that will once more be rocky and hoped to smooth out over time.  I feel like a new blogger in need of online advice and pro blogger words of wisdom.  Yet the words of advice I come across are no longer new.  I discovered such wisdom as I went along with my blog.  I feel now a need to share a confession list...a list far from Set List.

1) Frustrated
2) Exhausted
3) Anxious
4) Scared straight
5) Still frustrated

The age old question is "What does success mean for you?"  This question applies to all.  In the blogosphere, success is measured in various ways.  Some feel successful when sharing insightful posts and engaging with readers.  Some feel successful when gaining traffic by the thousands per month.  Some feel successful when earning a six-figure income annually.

Where am I?  My idea of success falls under all three measurements. 

I love to post on Set List because my passion for music and my passion for writing and sharing thoughts is so strong that words cannot describe.  When I publish every post, I hope to tap into a reader's interest and start a chat through comments or even emails.  I write for me and I write even more for readers. 

When I publish every post, I hope for my words to be unique enough to attract attention from readers and passersby.  When I do attract attention, I hope for word of mouth from readers and passersby.  I hope for my words to stand out in such a way that readers, passersby, and all those following word of mouth will come in greater waves well beyond 100 per month.  In this way, I will feel that what I write will have proven meaning and worth.  I think every writer hopes for their work, whether online or offline, to have defined meaning and worth in ways special to them.

My blog is my career.  I may not work 40 hours a week in a fluorescent-lit office.  I may not work overtime on a project brought forth by a boss at the last minute.  I work for myself.  My hours vary.  A traditional 9-5 receives a guaranteed payday every week or every two weeks.  Overtime work receives overtime pay.  My blog, as my career, doesn't come with a guaranteed salary or pay.  Yet do I still want an income?  Yes!  Do I want six figures?  A lovely thought, but I desire to reach my first $100 and go from there.  My ideal annual income from my blog career?  In perfectly stated words, "I have expensive taste.  Unfortunately, I don't have the funds to match." - Amy Lynn Andrews (

1) Frustrated
Why - I feel alone when I blog.  I feel as though I am writing to no one, by the few or by the thousand.  I feel that my words on a niche I am so passionate about go unheard or unwanted.  Viewers don't connect with my posts the way I find in more successful sites. 

2) Exhausted
Why -  I write every day with profound eagerness.  Every day brings a new genre to post about.  Every day brings in a new angle to post about.  Every day brings in a new YouTube video for pure enjoyment.  Every day, every day, every day.  And nothing.

3) Anxious
Why - My blog as a career with an income.  If my words don't bring in traffic, engaged or passing interest, my hope for the ultimate revenue generator being advertisement clicks is shot.  I survive because of my mom.  However, my expensive taste is just a few blocks down in what I so dearly want to be my first apartment.  I just don't have the funds.

4) Scared straight
Why - I am in my early 30s with a resume that really won't get past an employer.  My undergraduate degree is long gone.  My graduate degree failed me in finding a job within my first year out.  Random jobs go without response.  My last interview was at least four years ago, before I created Set List.  If my blog cannot stand to be my career, what will I do? 

5) Still frustrated
Why - For all the reasons above.

This is my Set List confession, filled with emotions lingering from May 2010 to present.  If this post were to be configured into lyrics, my confession would be on a set list (genre unknown).

Classics : Part 2

First and foremost...I bet you didn't know I would have interest in hard rock.  Quite the stray from Classics : Part 1.

The Police and U2 are distinct in lyrics.  Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, and AC DC are, in my opinion, distinct in sound as well as songs.

Steven Tyler has an electrifying voice with striking edge to lyrics and the instrumentals.  "Back in the Saddle" and "Dream On" are forever favorites for me.  "Dream On" defined the generation before me and continues as a classic to the present day.

Slash defines the electric guitar.  He owned his role in Guns N' Roses.  I generally tolerate the lyrics to the songs just to listen to him perform.

AC DC seems to strike a happy medium between Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses.  A powerful voice from Brian Johnson and dominating instrumentals make the band as unique as their genre.

I do want to comment on the cover logos for all three.  I find that pop rock covers play the images safe to enhance the recording more.  The covers shown in the videos below are daring and sharp.  One might hesitate to go beyond the covers to listen to the music, but for all those who do go beyond the covers, the songs show edge and definition to an entirely different form of rock.

The Police, U2, and of course Duran Duran are classics in their own right.  Every member of each band blended together and stood out at the same time.

Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, and AC DC are classics in a sketchy hard rock way.  All three took vocal and instrumental talent to the next level.  I truly am awe-struck by the value hard rock and heavy metal bring to music.

AC/DC - Back In Black with lyrics

Guns N' Roses-Sweet Child O' Mine

Back in the Saddle Again, Aerosmith

Monday, May 19, 2014

Classics : Part 1

How are classic rock musicians defined?   By album?  By song?  By fan reaction?  By critic reaction?  By impact on the genre?  

The Police is a classic.  U2 is a classic.  Duran Duran (a must to add in this post) is a classic.  There are countless more classics from Europe and the U.S. specifically, but these three speak to me the most.  

Of course millions of fans know rock classics, sure.  Yet, how does a band go from a struggle for recognition to global recognition?  At one point in the interim does this happen?

I am only a fan.  I cannot begin to speculate on the interim. 


The Joshua Tree - "from heroes to superstars" - Rolling Stone

The Police introduced a defining decade in rock music - the 1980s.  U2, amongst many others, shaped the 1980s into a rock music history book.

I chose "Where the Streets Have No Name" especially because the lyrics have a sense of a story to tell.  I am not one to analyze music down to a song's foundation.  I am, however, one to appreciate the impact a song has on society.  Religion, society, and politics drive Bono's lyrics ( 

The tone behind Bono's musical words coincide with the tone he brings as an activist in Africa (same Wikipedia source).

I have no other recollection of a band telling such profound words in one song at a time that leads to unheard of success.

I have no other recollection of a band sharing powerful opinions one song at a time that leads to global recognition.

U2 - Hero, Superstar, Honor

U2: Where The Streets Have No Name

The Police

"Roxanne" and "Don't Stand So Close to Me" defined one of the greatest success stories in rock history.  The Police.

 Zenyatta Mondatta, home to "Don't Stand So Close to Me," was the band's third album with release in 1980(  This record landed two Grammy Awards (same Wikipedia source).

I chose to post "Driven to Tears" (also on Zenyatta Mondatta) especially because, quite simply, the song is a classic favorite from a decade that formed classic and lasting bands.  One interesting side note about "Driven to Tears" that I did not know is that the lyrics reflected the state of poverty at the time.

The Police produced so many songs that are well-known and popular to the present day.  This shows a testament to what a single band could offer to a legendary genre in music in a powerful way.

The Police-Driven To Tears - When The World Is Running Down...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

On a personal note...

I am fairly certain that a YouTube video of Duran Duran performing "Planet Earth" from London has been posted deep within the archives of Set List.  I am fairly certain that a written post about "Planet Earth" live has been posted deep within the archives of Set List.  Of course if I am wrong, enjoy the video below.

On a personal note, I achieved a milestone on this blog.  My thrill and excitement for Set List is best reflected in my post record from 2010 with well over 100 posts for the year.  In 2011, I slowed down to 40 posts for the year.  My downturn is obvious from 2012 on.  However, although this year got off to a rocky start with a few posts in March and just a couple in April, May has been my comeback.

As of May 2014, I feel the same sense of thrill and excitement traced back to 2010.  My goal for this year was to surpass the number of posts from 2011.  My milestone was achieved in this month with 42 posts as of Saturday, May 17th.

I am fairly certain this milestone occasion will go unnoticed, but for me bringing new life to Set List and rekindling my love for blogging is a passion I cannot ever put into words.

Duran Duran is my reason for creating Set List.  "Planet Earth" live is the best version to enjoy (in my opinion).  Celebrate Set List the way it once was and the milestone achieved with the one and only Duran Duran.

Duran Duran Planet Earth Live From London

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Duran Duran "Is There Something I Should Know" Live version

My quote of inspiration from Duran Duran songs to Set List readers only goes so far.  My words in reaching out to readers is always sincere.  However, prose may not have the same impact as audio.  Therefore, enjoy the Live from London version of "Is There Something I Should Know" as I hope to know why Blues as a genre is so gosh darn popular among Set List viewers :)

"Shout" (Tears for Fears) out any other favorite post from past to present.

(If a Live from London version of "Reflex" shows up sometime, the post really will be a reflex of me chatting about Duran Duran in concert and in general.)

Duran Duran - Is there something I should know (Live in London)

Set List Blues : Is There Something I Should Know?

Several of my posts in this month of May have touched on my interest (out of many) in the Blues music genre.  This genre as a topic is trending in a unique way...dare say dominating all other recent posts.

I thoroughly enjoyed incorporating videos into my newfound interest in Blues music.  However, on the other end of the spectrum, as Duran Duran would say in song - "Is there something I should know?"

I encourage readers to share their thoughts and opinions on all of my posts.  I especially encourage readers to share why the Blues posts are by far the most fascinating.  Feel free to answer in any way my (rather, Duran Duran) question, "Is there something I should know?"

Friday, May 16, 2014

Smooth Jazz Friday

Greg Adams is an icon in smooth jazz.  His style is as unique as the genre itself.

Smooth jazz is, in my opinion, a melting pot of sounds.  Some artists, such as The Rippingtons, add a fast pace, rock style beat with jazz instrumentals.  Some artists, such as Chris Botti and select songs by Rick Braun, bring a strong emotional element.  Kenny G is a name that needs no description.  I own a CD called Smooth Jazz for a Rainy Day.  This album is absolutely perfect for obvious reasons, but defines the traditional meaning of smooth jazz.

Rock music has subgenres that are easy to recognize and explain.  Heavy metal is all on its own.  Dance and House music are not a top preference for me, but the sound alone needs no definition.  Swing and Classic jazz tell the story of America in history making times.  The United States then was truly united.  I am not altogether sure the United States will reflect itself that way again.

Smooth jazz is hard to define because the varying sounds appeal to varying interests. 

The "Burma Road" post is far from the "Stevie Ray Vaughan" post and likewise from the "Was" post.  Set List is inspired by Duran Duran and so, therefore, "Burma Road" is in no way related to DD song posts.

On gray days or much needed weekend breaks, consider smooth jazz as a relaxation mood.

Set List, like smooth jazz, is a melting pot of sounds.

Happy Friday,
Set List Blogger Lauren

Burma Road ~ Greg Adams

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blues Classics

I am not well-versed in the Blues genre of music, but I am not ignorant either.

If my guess is correct, B. B. King is the definition of Blues.  His biography on Wikipedia honorably declares: Grammy Award for Best Traditional Blues Album, Grammy Hall of Fame Award, and Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.  I am now thinking my guess is correct.

If my second notion is correct, Stevie Ray Vaughan is a Blues classic.  His biography on Wikipedia honorably states that he was a highly influential electric guitarist in Blues music.  He passed away at an age too young for a talented gift he could have shared for a lifetime.

If my third idea is correct, Kenny Wayne Shepherd is my generation's rock version of Blues classics.  In his biography on Wikipedia, Kenny Wayne Shepherd is a self-taught guitarist inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughan, whom he met at a concert when he was only 11 years old.

Every guitarist has their own unique sound.  However, in the Blues genre, the electrified sound blends into music that catches nearly every listener.  Blues and Country music are limited in interest due to the overwhelming success of rock and pop music.  Yet after listening to "Pride and Joy," I feel - in my opinion - that Blues is not given the overall credit that is due.  The lyrics are catchy, but the instrumental is phenomenal.

I have a question to consider - Who defines the electric guitar as we know it?  Am I biased to say Andy Taylor, formerly of Duran Duran?  Kenny Wayne Shepherd, who is only 6 years older than me?  An admission to Stevie Ray Vaughan?  Anyone I am leaving out?  How long would the list be to name every electric guitarist that has left an imprint on so many genres of music?

Stevie Ray Vaughan-Pride And Joy

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rush : Forever a Favorite

Set List is striking a profound chord with readers and passersby through the topics of Blues and Reflection.  I am, of course, happy to receive the interest taken in all recent posts.  In this post, I am rather curious to go down another memory lane in what I would like to consider a musical experiment.

In my first year on Set List, I wrote a great deal about my eclectic mix of favorite musicians, from why to specific songs and albums.  My second post in that first year addressed what would be discovered in the days, weeks, and months to come.

In 2010, I came across the song, "Rush," by sisters Aly & A.J. on the album, Into the Rush.  At the time, I only heard a clip, but what I heard, I loved.  I had to download the song from iTunes.  The irony in this case rests with one word - Rush.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I love the band, Rush.  "Tom Sawyer," "Limelight," "Freewill"...An OMG moment for classic rock.  "Tom Sawyer" is a timeless icon in so many forms of music.

In 2010, I simply showed my range of interest.  One word sparked the interesting journey Set List would lead.

Four years later, and sure enough, both "Tom Sawyer" by Rush and "Rush" by Aly & A.J. are on my iPod that I listen to every day. 

Four years later, my range of interest has expanded well beyond rock and jazz to include dance (I hope only to be a better form of house?) and an eccentric addition to alternative.

Four years later, the second post holds true - I really have an eclectic taste in music. 

In earlier posts, I wrote that I cannot retrace my steps back to the year 2010.  Since those posts, I do still wish that I could.  Yet upon reflection here, the 2010 post and this 2014 post mirror each other in a special way.  Rush, as a band or as a song, is a chance to look back while moving forward.

Rush-Tom Sawyer Lyrics

House of Blues

Set List blues live on in the blogging world.

The blues as a music genre is fascinating.  There is a sense of rock with sharp electric guitar and strong drum beat.  There is a slight sense of country with the content of the lyrics.  My greater interest is with rock and jazz, so I am certainly not an expert in the blues genre.  However, when I listen to Kenny Wayne Shepherd, I know I am listening to his inspired musical interest.

In my personal Billboard Top 100, "Was" ranks fairly high.  I recommend Kenny Wayne Shepherd as a consideration if a unique mix of genres intrigues all those with a deep set passion for music.

Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Was

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Look Back : First Post on Set List

The story of Set List began four years ago when I delved into the world of blogging with my very first post, "Set List - Music".  The content put into place the foundation for what this blog would be about and where this blog would go. 

A name all too familiar came to the fore - Duran Duran.  There were other mentions of interest (and lack thereof).  I wrote with caution and freedom.  I wrote with caution for fear of reaction.  I knew I couldn't erase my words and throw out the paper if I made a mistake in the name of offense to someone far from me.  Once a person hits Enter, retraction really isn't an option unless the post is deleted immediately.  Yet I also wrote with freedom in expressing how I feel about music and about the newly discovered world of blogging.  I unearthed my very first post to find the two fundamentals to Set List -

"My heart's passion is with music and with writing."

"Why music? ... Every musician or band I listen to offers unique sound that cannot be matched by any other artist."

Although these exact words have long since been forgotten, their meaning and value have defined the story of Set List.  I may not post every day, but my passion for writing will never be let down.  With every entry, the answer to "Why music?" is given.

The story of Set List begins and ends with concepts simple in word but global in worth.  Music in all forms.  The written word.  Passion to define one person's path in life. 

The hope for Set List will always be to tap into a reader's interest and intrigue. 

With well over 200 posts to date, a look back at remembering sentiments and reasons for creating this blog is meant to honor the achievement thus far and success to come.

Speaking of Reflection

A belated Happy Anniversary to Set List - 4 years and one month strong.

As I reflect on the past four years, I find 2010 to be the most memorable year as at that time, Set List was launched.  I am especially emotional about the year 2010 because I discovered my passion for blogging with roots set here.  My love of so many genres of music and favorite artists filled posts written daily, weekly, and monthly.  My life in 2010 was dedicated to Set List.

I live in the past, in memories, because the present is without progression and my future is uncertain.  I cannot retrace my steps to four years ago, when my life was calm and peacefully happy.  I have to move forward to today with deep set concentration on what my future will be.  Four years ago, I was certain that Set List would be my career.  Page views skyrocketed.  I discovered Google AdSense.  Four years ago, I found my true passion in life - blogging online and writing fiction stories on paper.  Four years ago, my present was moving along and my future was with hope.  Four years later, I am unpublished with well over 100 literary agent rejections.  Four years later, I am designing fashion jewelry with the daring notion to make a viable living off of potential sales.  Four years later, I have earned roughly $12 in Google AdSense.  Four years later, Set List is no longer my career.  Four years later, I live in memories.

"Dream On" best describes how I feel now and for my uncertain future.

I will always want Set List to be my career.  I am in love with such a wide range in music and hope to share this same feeling with readers and passersby.  I truly want to earn a viable living on Set List.

I cannot force free will - readers will come and go, readers will view and click on ads if interested. 

The most successful bloggers that rake in six-figure annual incomes devote every second, minute, and hour of every day, week, month, and year to their websites.  In four years, I clearly have not been able to demand such pressure upon myself.

If I want the present to progress and look to a positive future, I have to decide now what interest will be focused on and devoted to in order to move on from my memories.

I love making jewelry and owning my shop on Etsy, but upon reflection, jewelry design is more of a hobby as there is simply too much competition online and offline.

Blogging is my interest that is my natural passion.  In order to progress, I do need to push myself more if I want to title myself a successful blogger.

I believe now that I can "dream on."

Four years strong,
Set List Blogger Lauren

Aerosmith - Dream on

Monday, May 12, 2014

Set List...of Blues : 2014 Reflection

Although I may not post every day, I do check in to Set List to check my Stats report. 

My Stats report consistently shows views of posts from 2010, the year Set List was launched.  I am forever in awe of how successful this blog is with readers and passersby.

One post from May 2010 covered my interest in Kenny Wayne Shepherd.  Of the many songs I have heard from him, my top two favorites truly are "Was" and "Blue on Black."  A mix of rock and blues is intriguing as a musical concept, with profound meaning and edge to every song produced.

This post, published in Set List's infancy, remains a favorite to the present day.  I thought I would reminisce.

Enjoy the video below.

Idea!  Leave a comment on this post to let me know of any other favorite post to reflect on.

Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Blue On Black

Friday, May 9, 2014

Girls on Film : Who is Today's Woman?

I am 31 years old.  I suffer from adult onset acne.  I have a limited social network, so I turn to food as a friend.  I weigh a little over 200 pounds and do all I can to lose weight.  I work from home, so I do not wear formal clothing.  I prefer comfy casual outfits and have no idea what is in trend every season.  I rarely wear makeup and only spritz a favorite fragrance for special occasions.

I am not a girl on film.

I have one thought for every commercial featuring a model or model-type actress.  Do fashion, in whatever form it may be, and music, specifically rock, falsely define today's women?  On the other hand, are the women depicted in such commercials an accurate portrayal? 

Do all women need to live up to current trend fashion standards and therefore be "girls on film?"

Do all women need to look like a model, being exceptionally thin and with flawless appearance?

If the answer is yes to the latter two questions, then is society's expectations unrealistic and unfair or a subtle message to look pretty on the outside?

Why do Hollywood, fashion, and even music have a definitive say in who today's woman is?  Yet, these avenues are all women see.  These avenues believe that the women they spotlight are considered regular and average - "they're just like us!" some magazines would exclaim.  Really?

I am a fan of many actresses and reality celebrities, but should I ditch my favorite peanut butter sandwich away after one bite if I see a favorite star on television?  Should I forgo a stress relieving chocolate treat if I see a favorite star in an upcoming film?  Should I not eat anything at all if that celebrity is wearing an outfit I must buy?

I suppose the ultimate question is who is today's woman and who is properly allowed to define today's woman?

Michael Kors Commercial Feat. Simon Nessman

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Kia vs. Fiat

My love for commercial jingles is back...and always for cars...

Kia ushered in my forever love for "Fort Knox" by Goldfish.  However!  Kia has competition now with a feel good song by Pharrell Williams.  I am embarrassed to admit that I have never heard of Pharrell.  However, I love the few seconds of "Happy" from the new Fiat commercial and, surprisingly, clever advertising for ABC's Good Morning America.

The question now is which is my favorite choice?  Quite the dilemma. 

Pharrell Williams - Happy (official lyrics)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Top 5 Rock Favorites

There are so many rock bands I could include in this post, but such a list could go on for ages.  So I have a tentative top 5 -

The Police (must)

U2 (must)

Van Halen (must)

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (surprise addition)

Duran Duran (obvious)

Who are your all time favorites?

U2 : My opinion

"I Will Follow" may be first in line for U2's success, but my all time favorite will always be "Where The Streets Have No Name."  Just sayin'...

U2: Where The Streets Have No Name

The Police : My opinion

"Roxanne" may have landed a record deal for The Police way back when, but my favorite will always be "Driven to Tears."  Just sayin'...

The Police - Roxanne

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cosmic Monkey

Thee best smooth jazz song ever!

Duran Duran live to an intense "Eruption" guitar solo to smooth jazz...Set List truly is about anything music.

Relax, listen, and enjoy :)


Monday, March 24, 2014


I have my favorites in rock and pop music.  I admit to leaning on the safer side with instrumentals and vocals.  So I'm guessing the guitar solo below this post is quite the surprise.  If I could name my top 5 favorite rock bands, Van Halen would be a must in the list.  Set List may be inspired by Duran Duran, but this site is still a blog about music - a wide range to be sure.

"Eruption"...A musical gotcha.  You will never know what to expect next.  My genre interests are rather interesting.

Eruption - Van Halen

Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy Friday!

I am thrilled to be back on Set List.  My record number of posts occurred in 2010 - my launch year - with 121.  I am determined to beat that number this year.  I truly am happy to be back.

At some point in time, I shared my addicted love of "Fort Knox" by Goldfish.  Goldfish and Duran Duran are in a very tight tie for most favorite.  Duran Duran may have longevity, but Goldfish with "Fort Knox" leaves me listening to the song over and over again.  My addiction is serious.  Therefore, I am sharing my love of the song today.

A perfect way to say happy Friday and rock straight into a great weekend.

Kia soul hamster song full: Goldfish: Fort Knox

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Life's Troubles

Life can be amazing, enjoyable, and nearly perfect.  Life can, on the other hand, be flat out (censor).

Every person on Earth faces troublesome blows, whether severe or minor.  For me, in a pure blunt tone, life is a nightmare.  I keep my issues as far back in my mind as possible, but at times those hellish issues spring forward in a rather mean way.

My personal issues are a nightmare because they are persistent and nag at me until my overworked brain can figure out an impossibly found solution.  My luck at the moment is not so much.

"Lonely In Your Nightmare" is somehow a soothing reassurance that to all those facing life's troubles in any form, they are not alone.  We must have support somewhere and/or from someone.

Sorry for being a downer today.  Perhaps the overcast sky and spring weather yet to show itself.

Anyway, "Lonely In Your Nightmare" is still a Duran Duran song and to anyone who knows me well, even perhaps readers of Set List, I take great relief and momentary happiness from my most favorite band.

Duran Duran - Lonely In Your Nightmare

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Something about English rock bands

I know a little bit about all-time classics, from bands to individual contributors - singers, guitarists, drummers, etc.  My greatest interests rest in the 1980s. 

I love "Eminence Front," but at first did not know the band.  When I learned The Who was the band, I was surprised that I really like them.  Why?  I did some research to discover they are British and third in success to the Beatles and Rolling Stones.  I am not into Beatles classics, perhaps because I am greatly removed from their time in the spotlight.  However, I like a lot of Rolling Stones songs, especially later into their ongoing career.  The Who just seems to fit in, even from their start in the 1960s.

Of course, the natural line in global success based out of England are The Police and Duran Duran (U2, as many know, is from Ireland and directly followed The Police so I have to add them to the rock music throne).  I am now realizing quite a few bands left out of this line because only the greatest historic names are coming to mind at the present time.

The point is I never considered bands like The Who being of interest considering their debut decade.  As the post title says, there is something about English rock bands.

The Who Eminence Front

Monday, March 17, 2014

Get Up Offa That Thing 1976

As James Brown would say...

..."I'm back!"

I am most excited to say that I'm officially back on Set List. 

I plan to vary my posts - written and video.  Written posts may be fewer at first, but as I find my inspirational groove again, I will definitely be "back in the saddle."  (Can you guess the origin of the quote?)

So, with all said, turn up the volume as Set List finally plays it!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Alive and Kicking - Simple Minds

Set List

I miss Set List!

I am devastated that I no longer have thoughts to share or topics to blog about.  I am saddened by not posting since last year.

I remember creating Set List way back in April 2010.  Music is a life long passion and genres of interest vary in a rather unusual way.  I mean, on rainy days in the summer I love to listen to smooth jazz or classic jazz.  I have agoraphobic tendencies, so riding in my mom's car is a huge deal.  When I do go out with her, classic rock is a must.  On a cozy, snow-filled sky, I love to wrap up in the living room with a cup of coffee and get lost in my Duran Duran : Live from London DVD or Astronaut documentary DVD.  Of course, any day is a good day to listen to Duran Duran (well yeah, in seeing as how the band inspired me to create Set List).  My emotions lend a great deal in what I want to listen to.  Positive and happy require upbeat, fast tempo, and perhaps loud.  Ironically, frustration requires the same.  Down and sad require emotionally driven lyrics or instrumentals that only feed into my sorrow.

When I began posting, I was so excited.  I initially tried making a website with professional help.  As things turned out, the company was not so much.  I knew what blog platforms were, but had no idea how to create one.  Along came Blogger.  Free hosting, free to make and customize...My answer to everything I wanted.  A rush went through me and I was instantly addicted.  I posted every day.  I wrote about favorite bands, favorite songs, opinions on anything music.  And when I discovered YouTube, I nearly fainted with a volt of thrill electrifying my mindset.  I went from prose posts to video posts.

Somewhere along the line, I went from posting daily to weekly to monthly to completely walking away because I lost my inspiration and drive.  I was no longer excited.

I own two blogs - Set List and Puppy Love.  Puppy Love came along in November 2010.  Of the two, Set List was once the most popular in terms of page views and followers (I know, 8 followers isn't a lot).

Set List is nearly four years old.  My heart will break if I permanently abandon this blog.  I want that sense of addicted excitement back.  If the written word doesn't come to mind, I would like to post videos as an alternative to keep Set List alive and kicking.  (Alive and kicking...I listen to Simple Minds when I work side note that I have a feeling no one will care about.)

In conclusion, I guess what I am trying to say is that I miss Set List and I want the excitement and thrill of blogging to come back.  Give me time, but I will make Set List the success it once was.