Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Look Back : First Post on Set List

The story of Set List began four years ago when I delved into the world of blogging with my very first post, "Set List - Music".  The content put into place the foundation for what this blog would be about and where this blog would go. 

A name all too familiar came to the fore - Duran Duran.  There were other mentions of interest (and lack thereof).  I wrote with caution and freedom.  I wrote with caution for fear of reaction.  I knew I couldn't erase my words and throw out the paper if I made a mistake in the name of offense to someone far from me.  Once a person hits Enter, retraction really isn't an option unless the post is deleted immediately.  Yet I also wrote with freedom in expressing how I feel about music and about the newly discovered world of blogging.  I unearthed my very first post to find the two fundamentals to Set List -

"My heart's passion is with music and with writing."

"Why music? ... Every musician or band I listen to offers unique sound that cannot be matched by any other artist."

Although these exact words have long since been forgotten, their meaning and value have defined the story of Set List.  I may not post every day, but my passion for writing will never be let down.  With every entry, the answer to "Why music?" is given.

The story of Set List begins and ends with concepts simple in word but global in worth.  Music in all forms.  The written word.  Passion to define one person's path in life. 

The hope for Set List will always be to tap into a reader's interest and intrigue. 

With well over 200 posts to date, a look back at remembering sentiments and reasons for creating this blog is meant to honor the achievement thus far and success to come.

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