Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Speaking of Reflection

A belated Happy Anniversary to Set List - 4 years and one month strong.

As I reflect on the past four years, I find 2010 to be the most memorable year as at that time, Set List was launched.  I am especially emotional about the year 2010 because I discovered my passion for blogging with roots set here.  My love of so many genres of music and favorite artists filled posts written daily, weekly, and monthly.  My life in 2010 was dedicated to Set List.

I live in the past, in memories, because the present is without progression and my future is uncertain.  I cannot retrace my steps to four years ago, when my life was calm and peacefully happy.  I have to move forward to today with deep set concentration on what my future will be.  Four years ago, I was certain that Set List would be my career.  Page views skyrocketed.  I discovered Google AdSense.  Four years ago, I found my true passion in life - blogging online and writing fiction stories on paper.  Four years ago, my present was moving along and my future was with hope.  Four years later, I am unpublished with well over 100 literary agent rejections.  Four years later, I am designing fashion jewelry with the daring notion to make a viable living off of potential sales.  Four years later, I have earned roughly $12 in Google AdSense.  Four years later, Set List is no longer my career.  Four years later, I live in memories.

"Dream On" best describes how I feel now and for my uncertain future.

I will always want Set List to be my career.  I am in love with such a wide range in music and hope to share this same feeling with readers and passersby.  I truly want to earn a viable living on Set List.

I cannot force free will - readers will come and go, readers will view and click on ads if interested. 

The most successful bloggers that rake in six-figure annual incomes devote every second, minute, and hour of every day, week, month, and year to their websites.  In four years, I clearly have not been able to demand such pressure upon myself.

If I want the present to progress and look to a positive future, I have to decide now what interest will be focused on and devoted to in order to move on from my memories.

I love making jewelry and owning my shop on Etsy, but upon reflection, jewelry design is more of a hobby as there is simply too much competition online and offline.

Blogging is my interest that is my natural passion.  In order to progress, I do need to push myself more if I want to title myself a successful blogger.

I believe now that I can "dream on."

Four years strong,
Set List Blogger Lauren

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