Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Set List Posts - I'm always surprised

In May 2010, my second post to Set List discussed the exceptionally eclectic interest I have in music - genres and musicians alike.  On the last day of my first month on Set List, I wrote a post discussing music I would never consider...but did.  Select musicians especially struck a chord so strong that I felt compelled to write about them.  Justin Timberlake stood out in 2010.  At the time, I saw him as more of an entertainer to screaming teen fans than an actual musician.  However, some months or so later, I saw him perform at an awards show singing and playing the piano.  I remember being incredibly impressed because the piano is not as well-versed in popularity as, for instance, the guitar.  And so came the post, "Set List - I'm always impressed."

In May of this year, I wrote "Trending on Set List," where I discussed posts ranking high in page views.

In this post, I have found a blend between surprise and trend.  The current trend in entries is "Say on Set List," which was an emotional post I felt worthy of writing and sharing.  My surprise four years later is viewer interest in more personal posts as opposed to strictly music.

Every month and every year on Set List comes with intriguing surprise reaction that keeps me going.  I will always say that Set List truly is eclectic.

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