Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rush : Forever a Favorite

Set List is striking a profound chord with readers and passersby through the topics of Blues and Reflection.  I am, of course, happy to receive the interest taken in all recent posts.  In this post, I am rather curious to go down another memory lane in what I would like to consider a musical experiment.

In my first year on Set List, I wrote a great deal about my eclectic mix of favorite musicians, from why to specific songs and albums.  My second post in that first year addressed what would be discovered in the days, weeks, and months to come.

In 2010, I came across the song, "Rush," by sisters Aly & A.J. on the album, Into the Rush.  At the time, I only heard a clip, but what I heard, I loved.  I had to download the song from iTunes.  The irony in this case rests with one word - Rush.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I love the band, Rush.  "Tom Sawyer," "Limelight," "Freewill"...An OMG moment for classic rock.  "Tom Sawyer" is a timeless icon in so many forms of music.

In 2010, I simply showed my range of interest.  One word sparked the interesting journey Set List would lead.

Four years later, and sure enough, both "Tom Sawyer" by Rush and "Rush" by Aly & A.J. are on my iPod that I listen to every day. 

Four years later, my range of interest has expanded well beyond rock and jazz to include dance (I hope only to be a better form of house?) and an eccentric addition to alternative.

Four years later, the second post holds true - I really have an eclectic taste in music. 

In earlier posts, I wrote that I cannot retrace my steps back to the year 2010.  Since those posts, I do still wish that I could.  Yet upon reflection here, the 2010 post and this 2014 post mirror each other in a special way.  Rush, as a band or as a song, is a chance to look back while moving forward.

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