Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, May 19, 2014


The Joshua Tree - "from heroes to superstars" - Rolling Stone

The Police introduced a defining decade in rock music - the 1980s.  U2, amongst many others, shaped the 1980s into a rock music history book.

I chose "Where the Streets Have No Name" especially because the lyrics have a sense of a story to tell.  I am not one to analyze music down to a song's foundation.  I am, however, one to appreciate the impact a song has on society.  Religion, society, and politics drive Bono's lyrics ( 

The tone behind Bono's musical words coincide with the tone he brings as an activist in Africa (same Wikipedia source).

I have no other recollection of a band telling such profound words in one song at a time that leads to unheard of success.

I have no other recollection of a band sharing powerful opinions one song at a time that leads to global recognition.

U2 - Hero, Superstar, Honor

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