Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, I thought I would share a new favorite musician rather than a past favorite Set List post. 

His name is Parov Stelar.  An Austrian-born composer with musical influences from jazz to house to electro to pop. 

I believe "The Sun" is his most well-known work due to its background feature in the Transitions Lenses commercial.  "The Sun" is now in my iTunes are four others.

His jazz elements sound 1920s in tone.  His electro elements blend seamlessly into the fast jazz pace.  The house elements provide a background nightclub feel. 

I imagine jazz and electro being polar opposites.  The integrity of the jazz element in Parov Stelar's songs is never compromised.  The electro and house elements add a unique twist and additional beat.  In this way, I could say that perhaps jazz and electro fit together.

A great example is "Chambermaid Swing."

Other favorites include "Catgroove," "The Paris Swing Box," and "Booty Swing."

I hope you will enjoy the song below.

Happy Sunday to all.

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