Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday Fashion

Set List is eclectic.  For the most part, I write about music in any format and any genre.  I once brought up the link between music and fashion.  This notion has since stuck with Set List.  From time to time, I detour from music to focus on fashion interests.

Avon Boss promotes my business as an Avon Representative.  Simply Couture promotes my work as a Fashmates stylist and affiliate representative.

Simply Couture

The essence of Simply Couture is upscale, luxury, couture fashion.  This is reflected in Fashmates style sets I create.  However, I recently applied to luxury affiliate programs and have been accepted into several, from jewelry to beauty to women's and men's fashion to luxury department stores and so much more.

Where Avon is my small business, so too is Simply Couture.  I am, quite simply, an online entrepreneur.

Every small business needs support and interest in order to thrive. 

Please consider Simply Couture.

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