Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Paris Jazz

Paris.  Culture?  Delicacy?  Architecture?  Foreign language?  Cafés?  Fashion?  Music?

All are first and foremost.  Fashion is an obvious first rank, but the same could be said sipping on a cup of coffee in an outdoor café...and the same for the unique, historical, and beautiful architecture...and the same for the Louvre and Notre Dame...and the same for the Eifel Tower. 

Let's focus on music.

Miles Davis recorded musically breathtaking songs in his 1957 album, Ascenseur pour l'echafaud.  "Generique" and "Au bar du petit bac" are the best known highlights.

I am fairly certain that both "Generique" and "Au bar du petit bac" have been featured on Set List via YouTube videos. 

And so as not to repeat myself, explore the archives to find these or any other favorites.

Happy Tuesday to all.

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