Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, May 17, 2010

Get Your Groove On : Amazon

Duran Duran inspires me everyday, from creating this blog site you are viewing now to testing my musical ability.

Nick Rhodes (keyboardist) fascinates me always.  His role in the band seems to be the most complicated - playing the keyboard is one aspect and creating unique sounds on the synthesizer to enhance every song, live and recorded, is an aspect all on its own.  Balancing the two into one blended sound is true music to the ears.  Two years ago, with driven inspiration by Nick, I purchased a keyboard through  My instrument is the most basic compared to his more than professional set.  However, I had a blast making playful sounds and eventually actually learning how to play.  My honor, then, is to help promote his instrument - the keyboard synthesizer.  On, one top-of-the-line set is the Korg at the cost of $399.99.  Pure synthesizers go for a higher market, but the Korg is one of the best combined sets.  If you have the drive (and the money) to play like Nick Rhodes (or like your own ability), the Korg as marketed by is a worthwhile investment.

The drums - long before I knew who Roger Taylor was - is without a doubt my favorite instrument.  I did in fact take a few lessons as a teenager and was honored with the comment that I kept the best beat in the class and had potential.  Of course, Roger Taylor and Duran Duran came along and I fell in love immediately.  If I had room in my apartment for a professional kit, Roger Taylor's custom kit may not fit, but a design by Percussion Plus might do just as well.  On, two great selections by this manufacturer come in Wine Red or Black.  These selections, as well as others if you find another to your liking, come in full - set plus 5 piece kit.  The cost is decent if you have a serious interest in the drums.  And know that you can visit for more choices at a cost that fits your budget.

Then there is the string section.  I studied the viola for six years, from elementary school to junior year in high school.  I disgraced the music industry - yes I was that poor at playing a musical instrument.  Yet I still love strings, including the guitar.  A selection in guitar style - acoustic, electric, bass - is unique to the sound one wants.  If I were to pursue the electric guitar, for instance, I would never become the next Andy Taylor, but I could only hope to begin with such products as Electric Guitar Pack for Dummies.

And as for Simon Le Bon's instrument - his vocal talent - I will have to suffice with pretending I can sing.  I can match a pitch, but on my own, my "ability" is laughable.

So, I hope you are able to get your groove on with any of these selections or one of your own through  And always remember to play it!

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