Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Set List - Birthday Edition

On April 29, 1983, my mom went into labor. As my parents raced to the hospital, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" played on the car radio. Somehow, this solidified my interest in Michael Jackson's iconic music.
Thriller, in song and video, is pure classic in American rock history. Thriller is spooky any day of the year, and sparks a dance groove everyday of the year. Thriller is fun. The song and video remain, 27 years later, unique in concept that inspires generations of musicians and fans.
Michael Jackson's passing was greatly unexpected and most sorrowful. He will be remembered forever. I will remember him forever. April 29th will groove forever.


  1. Great story! I've always been a big fan of Michael's music...Thriller was epic, nothing like it ever before or after. Did you see the movie "This Is It"?

  2. Hi! Sadly, I never got the chance to see "This Is It." I tend not to be a movie goer, but I am such a fan of Michael Jackson that this movie will be on my to-do list.
