Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, May 21, 2010

Set List - Funky Jazz

As I write this entry, I am grooving to "Fort Knox" by Goldfish.  This tune, as made famous by clever advertisers and their rockin' animated hampsters driving a Kia car, is an incredible mix of music styles.  I, personally, get the sense of Italian mafia tough goes country western saloon in the beginning and rocks their way to the end.  This tune truly is funkified.

However!  There are two jazz (yes, jazz) artists that can easily claim the role of funk: Paul Brown and The Rippingtons.

Paul Brown's "Cosmic Monkey" truly says it all.  The beat is palpable.  The guitar has a slow jazz feel.  There are soothing "da na na" vocals every so often.  This song is definitely jazz-oriented.  Yet, the mix of the strong, constant beat, the slow, sexy guitar, and the soothing, rhythmic vocals make "Cosmic Monkey" a funky style with a jazz funk ending leaving the listener wanting more.

The Rippingtons' well-known album, Weekend In Monaco, is classic smooth jazz.  However, there is one song so funky in guitar work that it often reminds me of the musical tone to the television show, "Seinfeld."  "Highroller" has a solo bass performance in the middle of the song that is fast, brief, and funky.  This funk is a foot-tapper.

Jazz comes in all forms - rainy day Miles Davis, emotional Chris Botti, swingin' classics from the 40s, the beat of smooth jazz, and so many more.  Jazz is versatile.  Little do listeners know that jazz can be as funky as such music genre giants as rock.  Indeed, jazz in all forms, comes with surprise.

No surprise, however, when I say always play it!

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