Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Set List - Music

My heart's passion is with music and with writing. An article I submitted to the online writing source,, was in fact published and the topic was, quite naturally, on music. (See link below) I am likewise currently in the process of creating a music-themed personal website with the implementation of blogs...What can I say?

Why music? I am intrigued by all genres (with the exception of country and hip-hop). Every musician or band I listen to offers unique sound that cannot be matched by any other artist. The 1980s provided funky styles, but every artist from that decade nonetheless was different from each other. Jazz provides a sliding scale. Miles Davis and Chris Botti (trumpets) are similar and different at the same time. Alternative music stands on its own, but such bands as Coldplay and Puddle of Mudd are distinctly different from each other. For these reasons and many more, music is equally unique and universal. For these reasons and many more, I am drawn to music.

I love music, and do indeed live by it. I hope that visitors to my site are intrigued by the blog entries. I do encourage comments, as everyone has opinions on the world of music. ... So, play it!

AssociatedContent article link:
"Top 10 Songs By Duran Duran"
*The chosen songs do not necessarily reflect my ultimate choices, but many are near the top for given reasons.

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