Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, May 14, 2010

Set List - Rockin' Movies

Question - Have you ever been entirely consumed in a movie just for its soundtrack? Have you ever left a movie theater or turned off the dvd player knowing you must find that irresistable song or cd? My answer - Yes. Welcome to my world.

I admit that I have a passion for music. My taste in music varies greatly. My taste in music from movies is even more eclectic. . .

The Breakfast Club -
Am I allowed to say OMG? Simple Minds and "Don't You Forget About Me" is a personal anthem. If I could return to the 1980s, this song would play every day. Simple Minds defined an era in teenage years that will never be matched by today's generation. While there is nothing different between the 80s and today - silly, awkward Friday night dances in the school gym, defined layers in the student body, and so forth - the feeling is distinct. "The Breakfast Club" set the tone to what high school will be like for those that watched and watch today. Simple Minds made the transition to the "joy" of high school easier. Although I would never wish to turn back the years to my days in high school, "Don't You Forget About Me" would be my only inspiration to at least go to a reunion.
Beverly Hills Cop -
What is it about the 1980s? "Beverly Hills Cop" is the ultimate classic for Eddie Murphy films, in my opinion anyway. And there is one song throughout the trio that stands out every time I watch - "Shakedown," a tribute to Bob Seger. This song is fast, fun, and a tongue-twister if you don't keep up. I spent my very early years in Southern California. If I were to return to Los Angeles in the 80s, this song would play, as my first image of Southern California in this decade is painted by "Shakedown."
Ghostbusters II -
OMG, I swear this is the last 80s film. The cast and ghosts are back again in this movie, with the addition of little Oscar. And with any sequel comes climactic theme songs. In "Ghostbusters II," Bobby Brown sang his heart out to the soundtrack in the song, "On Our Own." Lost in a cold, wintery day in New York City, surrounded by spooky things that go bump in the night. . .saved by none other than the Ghostbusters! Perfect for a chilly Halloween night or, when last I watched, sick in bed at the holiday season. . .either way, both the movie and the song make for happiness and enjoyment.
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil -
Complete change of pace with this movie that, finally, came out in the 1990s. "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" paints a haunting description of Savannah, Georgia - a picture that I have always wanted to see come to life in person. However, if you like gentle, loving jazz, Johnny Mercer would be the man for you. His classics shall forever remain beyond his years. The soundtrack to "Midnight. . ." is romantic and can best be enjoyed on a cool, rainy night in the fall, in my opinion anyway. Both the movie and the soundtrack are captivating and draw a person in, much the way I imagine the South would.
A Beautiful Mind -
For anyone who suffers from a mental illness, "A Beautiful Mind" is a story to relate to. Although I am not schizophrenic, I can very personally relate to this true story and the pain John Nash nearly succombed to. The soundtrack to "A Beautiful Mind" is haunting and nearly sorrowful, yet inspiring and hopeful. James Horner, the composer, concludes musically the story told by John Nash, as portrayed by the phenomenal actor Russell Crowe.
Blue Streak -
Let's lighten thinbgs up a bit with the "Blue Streak" soundtrack, namely the song "Criminal Mind." Far cry from the others I would say. To be honest, I am not much in the way of this genre of music. However, "Criminal Mind" does not shove hip-hop down one's throat. "Criminal Mind" is simply a fun, catchy song that I love.
In retrospect, my taste in movie soundtracks must sound insane as the genres bounce from wall to wall. Ironically, my taste in movies is quite secure - comedy and drama. So what can we conclude from these words? I definitely have a passion for music in all ways - from songs heard on the radio to songs discovered on iTunes to songs played briefly on television to songs heard in random clips in favorite movies.
Hollywood says, "Take One. Play it!"


  1. I am a big fan of movie soundtracks. A few of my favorites:

    American Beauty, music by Thomas Neuman, had the most haunting and beautiful music.

    The Lovely Bones, music by Brian Eno and songs by Cocteau Twins vocalist Elizabeth Fraser, was mesmerizing and fit the tone of the movie perfectly.

    Crash, music by my favorite film composer, Mark Isham, was beautiful, particularly in the actual crash scene with Matt Dillion and Thandi Newton.

  2. Hey! Thanks for sharing your personal favorites. I saw American Beauty once and do know of the other two films you mentioned. I will try to look for the soundtracks as they sound intriguing.
