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Monday, June 14, 2010

Support my cause : Income rally

My professional goal of being a paralegal in Tort Law or Family Law has officially run into a brick wall.  The legal market is not hiring.

My personal goals in striving for my own apartment with an adopted puppy and kitten distance themselves further and further with every day that I do not find employment.  These goals are grand in nature and I simply will not settle for less.  These goals require incredible income.

I fight daily for any job that will fill this income, but my fight is difficult and drawn out.  My only relief comes through this blog.  However, income here is sparce as well.  I currently am earning $4.78 and am at 672 views.  I likewise have only received 5 ad clicks.  And only one person has offered a donation.

I would like to start an ongoing income rally.  Every 1,000 views generates real income.  Help me get to 1,000 views by the end of this month & help me reach 500 views per month thereafter.  This will go a long way in terms of revenue.  If you like an advertised product, do click.  If you are further intrigued by a product, do not hesitate to buy it (Amazon alone will thank you greatly).  I am requesting $25 per donation.  However!  If you cannot afford this amount, offer what you can.  Note that donations are securely taken and go through PayPal.

Please support my cause - from one hopeful dreamer to another.

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