Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, April 11, 2011

A note from Set List

My last entry on Set List was posted on March 22.  I feel that I have neglected my blog and my viewers.  My personal schedule is on overdrive, and so I would like to leave a note.

I am currently in the throws of revising for the second time my manuscript, Serene's Fantastic Escape.  This is a time-consuming project as I am editing 144 pages with the intent of adding far more.  Serene's Fantastic Escape is presently at novella status and I am aiming for complete novel status...38,225 words to 80,000 words is not a quick process.

I am currently in the throws of searching for a publisher for my short story collection, Love Always, Chessie.  If I can get this collection published, my credentials will appeal greater when I pitch Serene's Fantastic Escape to agents.  To be a writer isn't easy.  To be a published author is a massive feat far more difficult to achieve than penning the words themselves.  I am willing to face this challenge, for my love of writing.

My card design venture is all-consuming.  My first music design is complete.  I am working on three more music designs to complete the music theme.  The remaining three have templates, and now I need to create card stock. . .A secret no longer, I hope to pitch my music theme to Duran Duran's merchandise department - web store.  An honor of only the highest esteem if the Duran Duran organization accepts my cards for sale online.

And I am moving.

So this is my note, to keep viewers up to date.  I am not forgetful of Set List.  I just have so much to do. 

In keeping with the music theme of Set List, I do live on my iTunes collection while working.  I seem to gravitate towards jazz (smooth, Chris Botti, Miles Davis).  My concentration tolerates rock surprisingly when making cards (as all my cards are handmade and complex in design).  When I am editing, rock sometimes breaks my concentration.  I find myself moving to the beat.  Although I get work done, '80s rock especially (The Police, Duran Duran, etc) tends to distract my mind.

What do you listen to while working?  What keeps you going?  What breaks your concentration?  Feel free to leave a comment!

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