Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, September 12, 2011

Anything but singing for Simon Le Bon?

I am going through an extreme rough patch in my life. . .so much so to say that "Lonely in Your Nightmare" is a present anthem.

I cannot imagine Simon Le Bon's emotions after having to cancel the entire Summer 2011 All You Need Is Now tour for only his ailing vocal chords. 

In a recently posted blog entry on Duran Duran's website, Simon was quoted as being devastated by the cancellations and realizing that he is not good at anything else but singing.  His believed thoughts break my heart.

Nick Rhodes has unspeakable talent on the keyboard/synth.  His ability to manipulate sound into timeless classics is simply incredible.

John Taylor on bass.  What can I say.  His underlying funk and drive define Duran Duran's uniqueness.

Roger Taylor makes playing the drums look so easy.  Roger is so shy, kind, and innocent.  Yet when he sits down to play the drums - on stage - the heart pounding power and noise volume makes a listener think twice. . .and want more.  The drums are my second most favorite instrument to want to play.

Singing is my first most favorite attribute to learn.  Simon steals every show with his voice and physical presence.  His talent did not come overnight.  I will forever be jealous of his ability to hit a singular high note in "Union of the Snake."  Simon Le Bon inspires me to find my talent.

Simon Le Bon inspires me in general.  His humor quite possibly surpasses Nick's.  His intelligence and wisdom reflect his life experiences.  If not for his infamously admitted poor spelling, I would be most interested in what he could sit down to write.  His interest in the written word from across the globe is intriguing.  He is dignified beyond his years.  Simon Le Bon is quite simply capable of anything.  All he knows is singing.  Singing and performing have dominated his grown years.  He has never had the chance to explore other interests and talents.

Simon, you can do anything.  Your esteemed self-worth knows you can do anything.  You are a highly positive person.  Never let devastation bring you down.  When secondary education and law did not work out as extended interests, I found writing.  Because of you, I created Set List.  My love for blogging led to my personal website, Puppy Love.  Puppy Love led to a children's chapter book currently under agent review.  Puppy Love also led to constantly written children's short stories.  In other words, I love to write.  My passion began with Set List. . .because of you.

If you believe in Simon Le Bon's capabilities beyond singing or wish to show support in general, follow him on Twitter @SimonJCLeBON.

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