Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Girl Panic

If I read one more rave review of Duran Duran's "Girl Panic" music video, I will seriously panic (and I already am on anti-anxiety/panic medication).

I cannot apologize for my following words.

Duran Duran is defined by their extraordinary musical talent and their "extraordinary taste in women."  They get a thrill over society-defined beautiful women, a.k.a supermodels.  Simon Le Bon is married to a model.  Nick Rhodes was married to a model and has since dated society-defined beautiful women.  John Taylor is married to the founder of Juicy Couture - the brand speaks for itself.  Roger Taylor is married to a society-defined beautiful woman.  And for the record all children born into these marriages will grow into society-defined beauty.

I do not consider myself society-defined beautiful.  I never have and never will, mostly do to lack of self-esteem and confidence.  I am, quite simply, regular.  Regular in its meaning is a concept the members of Duran Duran will never know and fully appreciate.

The band's depiction of "regular women" is sorely flawed in the video of "Girl Panic."  Therefore, I personally rate this video severely low.

I will always love Duran Duran's music and talent.

I suppose the elite in any form sometimes need to fall below the clouds and live in reality.

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