Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Is there something I should know

I suppose one could say this post is on a need-to-know basis.

I have been blogging fairly consistently since April 2010.  I manage three blogs and at times one receives more attention than another.  However, all are by now established.

So here's a question - how do bloggers earn significantly?  My chosen profession is writing and blogging is a huge portion of that profession.  I am doing everything I can to attract more traffic, more ad clicks, even hopeful donations. 

My mom lives paycheck to paycheck.  I have no means of income with zero prospects online and offline.

In essence, I am financially desperate.

I am currently listening to Duran Duran's "All You Need Is Now."  All I need now is an income. . .such an illusive concept.

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