Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Set List Anniversary

In April 2010, I came across Blogger.  I knew and understood the concept of blogging, but never actually practiced.  I considered what Blogger had to offer in terms of design...I was unaware of Google AdSense at the time.  I found a beautifully simplistic template with great layout options.  I chose, at random, a URL and blog title - creativity had not occurred to me.  I created a long post journal.  And there you have it - my first blog.  I enjoyed my first blog and eventually the addition of Google AdSense.  However, my ultimate blog goal rested with a niche in music...

So I turned back to Blogger.  In May 2010, I had the chance to take creative license in design.  I knew I wanted a dark blue background.  The title design was intriguing.  I wanted to incorporate album covers as part of the look.  Set List was a creatively must title.  Duran Duran was my inspiration.  And there you have it - Set List with the forever motto "play it!".

On May 1, 2010, I published my first post to Set List - an obvious introduction to my love of music in multiple genres and where this blog would lead.  On May 3, 2010 - exactly five years ago today - I published a post all about Duran Duran.

In retrospect, my first blog was a form of practice.  I wrote for the sake of writing.  My first go with Google AdSense was briefly successful.  By the Fall of 2010, though, I was running out of steam and initial excitement.

Set List, on the other hand, was an ultimate goal achieved.  I may have slowed down after five years, but my passion and love for this blog remains strong and permanent.

And so I wish a Happy Anniversary to Set List.  Always remember to play it!

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