Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Happy Wednesday

Happy Monday always comes with a groan of frustration.  Dedication to hard work and an earned paycheck after eight hours a day, five days a week.  Happy Monday does not see the upside when the morning alarm goes off.

Happy Friday always comes with a happy smile.  The mood is lightened.  Break room talk is about weekend plans.  At the end of the eight hours, if there is work not completed...well, it will just have to wait until Happy Monday.

Happy Wednesday, though.  The atmosphere is somewhere in the middle.  The pace is starting to pick up.  Work is getting done.  "You can do this" becomes the employee mentality...

And before you know it, Thursday makes a beeline for Happy Friday.

So.  Today is Wednesday.  You can do this. 

Happy Wednesday.

Leave a comment if you would like me to post the Pharrell Williams "Happy" video on Wednesdays.

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