Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Reach Up for the Sunrise

Duran Duran has a mysterious way of inspiring a positive mindset and hope for a better tomorrow.

"What Happens Tomorrow" and "Reach Up for the Sunrise" are two examples of inspiration.

I won't repeat what was said in the post, Vent.  Instead, I will say simply that I do not know where my life is taking me.  I have interests that are just not sticking into financial success.  Therefore, I do not know what I want to do.

I love to blog.  Yet, I am not sure how to earn a stable income this way.

"Reach Up for the Sunrise" is my inspiration that only good will happen.  I will find success in what means the most to me.

To my readers and passersby -

I may from time to time digress in tone on a blog about music.  I can assure you, however, that Set List in nature will always find its way into each post.

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