Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, March 23, 2018

Remember When Friday

In recapturing Set List memories, I dug into the archives as far back as 2011.  In July 2011, I found a post linked to a YouTube video.  The content of the post resounds to my current tone.  The video was lyrics to the Tears for Fears "Shout" song.

Fast forward to the present, I will share the post following the "Shout" video.

July 7, 2011

Let it out

"...emotions directly resulting from stress I can no longer control or resolve."

"..."Shout" is the perfect musical therapy..."

"...Every once in awhile in life, a person just has to let it all out."

"...Scream, shout...get the steam out of one's head and mind."

"...Enjoy this song as therapy or enjoy this song for musical interest."

Always remember to play it.

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