Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, March 16, 2018


Hi there.

On this Friday in March 2018, I am back on Set least for this one post.

In this post, I am venting.

I have been unemployed since completing my graduate studies in October 2009.  I went on countless interviews related to my education and eventually anything.  I took to creative endeavors that did not pan out - from fiction writing to designing greeting cards to making fashion jewelry.  Blogging is out of personal love as generating an AdSense income is no longer feasible as long hoped.  I took to direct sales for some time only to realize that I am not a natural salesperson and sadly ceased my role as "Merchandiser" with the fashion brand Chloe + Isabel.

My love for fashion, however, has stemmed five other blogs (leave a comment if you would like to know what they are).  These blogs, like Set List, are out of personal love as generating AdSense and affiliate income is not as feasible as I want to hope.

So I have submitted my resume to five sources, all in late February and two reapplied just recently.  There is no sense of when I will receive a response with yes or no.  In publishing, I am given a specific time frame or I am able to generally guess on how long I will have to wait based on previous experience.  In employment, when an income and means of living is at stake, there should be a time frame with yes or no. 

What Happens Tomorrow by Duran Duran.  This is a defining motto for all those who need to vent too and for any reason.  Life has to get better tomorrow.  Hope has to get better tomorrow.  Whatever happens tomorrow has to be positive.  What Happens Tomorrow, I don't know.  What Happens Tomorrow has to be better than today.

I have forgotten my forever love of Set List.

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