Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Please, Please Tell Me Now

As you may have noticed, I have been publishing a third post after my primary posts.  I planned to do that today with "The Reflex" and what would be titled "Reflex Confession."  However, "Is There Something I Should Know" is a song I can settle with to replace "The Reflex."

Please, please tell me now - Confession

In 2010, I published my first confession on Set List with topics that unfortunately remain true today.

I completed my education at Loyola University Chicago in 2009 with a certificate in Paralegal Studies.  Job interview after job interview after job interview on my 27th birthday after any interview I could reasonably attend.  The general gist out of all was "You have a promising future, but unfortunately are not the right fit for us."  This remark is especially hurtful as the law firm who interviewed me on my birthday actually approached me for the request.  I am no longer viable as a paralegal or anything in law as my history is too far removed and I would more or less be a liability for a law firm.

I remain unemployed.

Fast forward to 2010.  Blogger.  Creative fiction - novel and short story series.  My creative works received brutal form rejections with no personalization as to why the agencies decided to pass.  When I launched Set List, my heart knew this blog was the one to be my career and one to live on.  I am currently at 12% earnings as of 2010 and I need to reach $100 to cross the payout threshold.  I am devastated as blogging has long become a passion that I truly want to live on as a career.

I remain stuck.

Fast forward to the present.  (Personal events in between are not appropriate to write here.)  I launched one blog in March -  Couture Tales.   Couture Tales is an intriguing concept for me - short story fiction based on a couture fashion theme.

I remain stuck.

Of the two, Set List is the most profound in statistical success.  Couture Tales is generating zero in decent stats and monetization. 

I remain stuck.

I am devastated to consider blogging as a hobby.  In all truth, I am not able to work outside of my home due to a medical disability.  Therefore, my blogs are all I have.

I am learning to connect online as I truly do not know how to connect in person.  I am all ears for suggestions to boost Set List, Plus Size Style, and Couture Tales.

And so, once again my reflex for telling readers and passersby my personal confession now remains at a standstill.  I will always, though, hope for the best.  If pro bloggers can learn the keys to success, I hope I can too.

Thank you all for reading this rather lengthy post.

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