Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, April 13, 2018

Remember When Friday

A blast from the past Set List memory to share on this Remember When Friday.

The intensely excited vibe from Duran Duran's last album, Paper Gods, seems so long ago.  The excited vibe from Red Carpet Massacre seems ancient.  When I launched Set List in 2010, All You Need Is Now was making its debut and fans with websites were encouraged to place display ads as a unique means of promotion.

Alas I digress. 

In this Remember When Friday, I want to share a Duran Duran related post from 2015 - A New Duran Duran Era.  I feel the post speaks well on its own, so I won't share highlights here.

I hope you will enjoy.

Happy Friday!

And as always,
Play it!

Note : A New Duran Duran Era mentioned "Pressure Off."  Therefore, the video below has a reason for being posted.

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