Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Anything Goes Thursday - Edition 4

On this Anything Goes Thursday, I would like to promote my blog, Couture Tales.  I am certain that the name has come up somewhere in the 2018 archives, but not to the extent that I plan here.

Couture Tales is a short story fiction blog with a fashion theme, from couture to casual to special occasion wear to jewelry to accessories...I could go on but I will let my blog speak for itself.

I launched Couture Tales for three reasons - my love for blogging, my love for writing fiction, and my intrigue for anything fashion...a vicarious intrigue as I am not necessarily a fashionista.

In this month of May, I launched an affiliate marketing account with ShareASale.  My blog source is Couture Tales.  Although I am still new to the concept of professional affiliate marketing, I do consider my efforts as a small business.

The essence of Couture Tales as a short story fiction blog with fashion theme will remain always.  However, I am just adding affiliate marketing into the mix.

Happy Thursday

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