Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Two for Two Tuesday - Anniversary Special

Set List is eight years strong on this May 1st. 

I will always remember the excitement I felt with my first published post on a blog I knew would be my career.  I was eager to post every day.  Although some years were devastating, words cannot express how happy I have been so far this year.

My days are themed, so I have structure and purpose.  Therefore, I can successfully move forward.

With that said, I will reflect from the archives on this Two for Two Tuesday - Anniversary Special.

Set List - Rush - May 2, 2010 ... My most well-received post to date.  Highlights -

"For die-hard music enthusiasts, you will know the name of this entry - the band Rush. ... "Tom Sawyer" ... This song, like the band, has an edge and is unique in sound and beat."

"For Disney fanatics, you will know the name of this entry - the song "Rush."  This song was the theme to a recent Disney Channel movie. ... "Rush" is haunting in its fast pace and young beat that clearly attracts any age."

"So what can you tell by these words?  One word - eclectic."

Set List - And All That Jazz - May 4, 2010 ... Clearly defining my eclectic taste in music.  Highlights -

"Rush, Duran Duran, and jazz...I said my taste in music is eclectic (and this will continue to be evident in future entries."

"There is a mystery to jazz - whether you are swingin' to swing or groovin' to smooth, or catchin' a much-needed breath to the style of Miles Davis..."

On this eighth anniversary of Set List, always remember to play it!

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