Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Two for Two Tuesday - Edition 5

In today's edition of Two for Two Tuesday, I planned to post Duran Duran's original version of "I Don't Want Your Love" and the remix of "I Don't Want Your Love."  I did not plan to post a live version.  My plans have since changed.

The original version of "I Don't Want Your Love" as performed in Duran Duran's official music video opens with the main lyrics and leads into the catchy "I like noise" segment. 

On the other hand, the live version of "I Don't Want Your Love" as performed at Wembley Stadium in 2004 is entirely opposite.  Although to keep the concert energy going - and at an intense pitch - I can see why "I like noise" would be best.

Of the two, I would say I like both versions.  The music video is intriguing in its opening and somehow makes sense given the lyrics and tone of the song.  The live version is phenomenal when every single instrument is dead silent to hear the audience scream louder than the band.

And so on this Two for Two Tuesday edition, I choose to feature Duran Duran's "I Don't Want Your Love" in its original sense and live sense.

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