Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Two for Two Tuesday - Milestone Edition

This post marks a tremendous milestone in Set List history.  As of today, I have surpassed my launch year, 2010, in the number of published posts.  In 2010, I topped out at 106 posts.  This post, which will combine the Two for Two Tuesday special edition, will be my 107th since March.

To celebrate this profound milestone, I thought I would dig into the archives for lighthearted posts from 2010. 

Post #1 - Duran Duran Humor Archives

December 27, 2008

Simon Le Bon's favorite quotes...and responses -

Quote:  "I've turned on the seatbelt sign 'cause we've just hit some bumpy air.'
Simon:  Bumpy Fucking Air???

Quote:  "Enjoy"
Simon:  Enjoy what?

Quote:  "Party's over"
Simon:  Because it's just so sad

Quote:  "Have a good one"
Simon:  A good what, exactly?

Quote:  "Would you?"
Simon:  No, would you actually?  Would you mind finishing your sentence please?

Post #2 - Nick Rhodes Rock Couture Guitar (YouTube)

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