Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Happy Birthday, John Taylor

Best wishes to his most Happy Birthday, John Taylor!

If I may be so bold - Play the *F* bass, John!

On Roger Taylor's birthday, I posted notable musicians in 1960 - the year he was born.  On this day, John Taylor's birthday, I shall do the same.

Once again, Elvis Presley was a trending musician in 1960.  In that year, he was known for -

"Stuck on You"

"It's Now or Never"

"Are You Lonesome Tonight?"

Every decade has well-known fan favorite musicians.  Elvis Presley lives on beyond his passing.  Duran Duran continues to live on.

Nick Rhodes once said in a documentary how eternally grateful he was to have John switch to bass guitar when Andy Taylor appeared for electric.  A move proved more than grateful.

And so on this day, June 20, 2018, I hope for only the best for - yes - Nigel John Taylor.

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