Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, August 24, 2018

Set List Memories - Part 2

My very first post.

Set List - Music - May 1, 2010

The post link above best highlights my love for music and for writing about the many genres and aspects of music.

As for the Associated Content link...the company has since retired, but I will always have a varied Top 10 list of favorite Duran Duran songs.  In this moment, No. 1 will always be "Ordinary World" (recorded).  "All You Need Is Now" might find a place in the list.  "Pressure Off" is a maybe consideration.  "The Valley" is on my iPod, so being on an album I got to see live is a must on the Top 10 list.  "Tel Aviv" is a must for pure instrumental.  As is evidenced, "Planet Earth" live is a must and certainly No. 2 on the list.  Gosh, I could go on for some time! 

My take away from Set List - Music is my love for music and for writing about music (and writing in general).

My 2010 year-end post.

My 2010 debut year ended during the Christmas season with holiday sentiments from Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes.

And so to begin the debut year with Duran Duran and end the debut year with Duran Duran is rather special and unique.

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