Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Thursday Fashion

I am not sure how or when Anything Goes Thursday got caught up in the topic of fashion, so I suppose Anything Goes Thursday will officially be all about fashion.

Fashion direct sales.  Once the topic of a previous post.  My experience with direct sales includes Chloe + Isabel and Avon. 

The thought of being an entrepreneur, owning a boutique business, running a small business on one's own terms is exciting and intriguing.  Swept off one's feet really.  However, there are pros and cons to weigh before delving into such excitement and intrigue.

Pros of direct sales -

- You are your own boss.
- You set your own schedule.
- You create your own marketing strategies.
- You can run your business solely online or opt for in-person social selling.
- Commission rates are lucrative.
- Income is unlimited.
- Growth potential.

Cons of direct sales -

If you are your own boss, you are accountable for every aspect of your business.  In this respect, you are accountable for success or failure.

Marketing strategies must be strong and consistent for both an online presence and live social selling.  In this respect, if you do not push to be heard and drive in business, you will lack.

I would suggest creating a list of definite customers who can then branch out to people they know who would be interested before signing on with a desired direct sales company.  Begin with family and go from there.  This note can go either way - your list may be long or minimal.

Commission rates are set within a range.  Higher percentages are generally reserved for the most successful sellers with a phenomenal income.  These sellers, whether online or in person, are offered growth potential.  For example, Chloe + Isabel offers Merchandise Manager above Merchandiser.  I am still new to Avon, so reaching a title above what I am now will be awhile.  Commission rates truly are lucrative, but be mindful of how much time and effort goes behind to aim for the top.

Fashion direct sales is enjoyable.  However, consider what you sell and how in demand the products are at the present time.  Market, market, market.

The notion of entrepreneurship, working from home or anywhere, and being your own boss is enticing and a want many people desire.  My note to those is to consider before applying.

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